Mental health training for school and college staff
Develop the key skills needed to support children and young people's mental health and wellbeing with our range of training courses.
Our evidence-based training courses have been written by mental health clinicians and education experts. Every session is delivered by one of our highly experienced qualified trainers.
We offer both shorter and more intensive training courses for staff in primary schools, secondary schools, alternative provision settings, and further education colleges.
We have a range of live and self-directed courses, so that you can find the training solution that fits your needs.
99% of our training attendees would recommend the course to others. Find a course that’s right for you:
Schools in Mind seminars
Mental health and education experts at the Anna Freud Centre hold a free seminar every term on a different topic linked to mental health and wellbeing.
Schools in Mind
A free network for education professionals to share expertise about mental health and wellbeing.
Senior mental health lead training
An online training course for senior mental health leads, helping you develop a sustainable whole-school approach to mental health.
Senior Mental Health Lead training
Online training courses for senior mental health leads, helping you develop a sustainable whole-school approach to mental health.
Traumatic Bereavement: Supporting children and young people at School or College
This evidence-based course has been developed by experts from the UK Trauma Council, and is delivered by the Clinical Co-Lead of the Traumatic Bereavement resource portfolio.
Traumatic bereavement: Supporting children and young people at school or college
A course developed by the UK Trauma Council designed to help young people cope with their expereinces.
We offer tailored training
We know that no two educational settings are the same. Your in-house training and Inset sessions should meet your setting’s specific needs.
Bespoke training for schools and colleges
We offer bespoke training for schools and colleges, trusts or local authorities.