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Our research activity at Anna Freud aims to advance our understanding of mental health and wellbeing in children and young people.

Our research activity at Anna Freud aims to advance our understanding of mental health and wellbeing in children and young people. We explore how mental health and wellbeing is experienced by children and young people, what influences it, and what supports it. Recent examples include research exploring factors that protect children and young people from mental ill health and factors that put them at risk, and work evaluating what works for whom, why and in which contexts.   

We have a long tradition of leading the way in addressing the challenging questions through innovative research and rigorous and thoughtful evaluation. As well as directly carrying out research, we work with other organisations – including clinical services, schools, FE colleges and voluntary sector organisations – to support them to improve their provision through evaluation and ongoing monitoring, and to create a learning community among those who support children and young people’s mental wellbeing. 

To hear about our latest research, resources and learning opportunities on a monthly basis, join the Anna Freud Learning Network – a free national network for everyone working to transform the mental health of children and young people.


  • Current research projects

    Anna Freud, led by our research units, is involved in a number of ongoing research studies.

  • Past research projects

    Interested in our previous research projects? Our archive serves as a repository for the Anna Freud's various research outputs from previous years.

  • Research library

    This page is currently being developed, we apologise if things don't look quite right. Anna Freud’s online research library contains a collection of evidence-based material on children a...


  • The HeadStart Learning Programme

    The Evidence Based Practice Unit leads the national evaluation of HeadStart. Together with our partners, we evaluate and share learning from the HeadStart programme. 

  • Education for Wellbeing

    Education for Wellbeing, led in partnership by mental health charity Anna Freud and UCL, tested five interventions and involved more than 30,000 primary and secondary school students.

  • The Reflective Fostering Study

    A 12-month exploration assessing the impact of the Reflective Fostering Programme on children aged 4-13 in care.