School and college resources
Browse our free mental health resources for those working in primary, secondary and FE settings.
5 Steps to Mental Health and Wellbeing
5 Steps to Mental Health and Wellbeing is a free, evidence-based framework to help you develop a whole-school or college approach to mental health.
School attendance and mental wellbeing
Understand the relationship between mental wellbeing and non-attendance and support children and young people in your setting.
Advice for parents and carers: talking mental health with children at primary school
A tip sheet for parents and carers sharing advice on talking about mental health with primary school children.
Advice for parents and carers: talking mental health with young people at secondary school
A leaflet for secondary schools to share with parents and carers, offering top tips for speaking to young people about mental health.
Anti-racism policy template
A template for writing your own anti-racism policy in consultation with representatives from across the whole-school community.
Childhood trauma, migration and asylum: animation and toolkit for education settings
An animation and accompanying toolkit for education staff working with children and young people who have been affected by war, migration and asylum.
Classroom wellbeing toolkit
A toolkit for secondary school staff, sharing practical steps to promote and support mental health through everyday interactions with students.
Diversifying the curriculum to increase representation
An instructional case study from a school who set up a working group looking at diversifying their curriculum, and ensuring it is representative of their student population.
Gathering student voice on racism and mental health in schools
Ways for schools to gather student voice, including suggested questions on racism and mental health to add to a student survey.
How to practise cultural exchange in schools
Learn how to facilitate cultural exchange in schools and what things you need to consider.
Improving school staff knowledge and confidence around anti-racism
Lists of books, videos, articles and more that educators can use to explore and develop their racial literacy.
Let's talk about anxiety: animation and teacher toolkit
The Let’s talk about anxiety animation and resource toolkit helps students aged 11 to 13 to normalise, understand and manage anxious feelings.
Measuring and monitoring children and young people’s mental wellbeing
The toolkit aims to raise awareness amongst school and college staff of the range of validated tools that are available to help measure subjective mental wellbeing amongst cohorts of stu...
Mental health in schools and colleges: Free webinars
Mental health and education experts at Anna Freud hold a free webinar every term on a different topic linked to mental health and wellbeing.
Mental health resources to support further education students
A set of five free mental health resources specifically for staff in further education colleges, covering common mental health concerns for college students including anxiety, unhealthy ...
Mentally Healthy Schools
Mentally Healthy Schools is a free website for all primary, secondary and FE settings across the UK.
Microaggressions: staff meeting presentation and guidance
A PowerPoint and guidance on delivering a presentation about microaggressions to staff members.
Moving up! The transition to secondary school
This animation and accompanying teacher toolkit is aimed at supporting pupils who have recently started Year 7, or are due to start soon.
My self-care plan: primary
This self-care plan walks primary-aged children through a series of steps, helping them create a simple self-care plan that works for them.
My self-care plan: secondary and FE
A plan which helps young people identify activities that they can use to support their mental health.
Reviewing existing school policies with an anti-racist lens
A guide to reviewing all of your existing school policies with an anti-racist lens.
Self-care summer: advice for education staff
Self-care may not be the easiest thing for education staff to practise.
Seven ways to support children and young people who are worried
This guide identifies seven ways you can use CBT to help children and young people who may be experiencing anxiety.
Supporting children's transition to secondary school: guidance for parents and carers
This short guide provides tips about how parents and carers can best support children through the transition to secondary school.
Supporting staff from racially minoritised groups
Information about the impact of racism on school staff, and guidance for schools on how to foster a safe and supportive environment.
Supporting staff wellbeing in schools
This booklet offers practical guidance about what school staff and senior leaders can do to support their own and their colleagues' wellbeing.
Supporting students who have experienced racism
Information for staff on how best to support a student who has experienced racism and where else to seek support.
Taking CARE to promote mental health in schools and colleges
A short animation for education staff that recognises the importance of supporting children and young people’s mental health in schools and colleges, and offers a simple principle for st...
Talking mental health: animation & teacher toolkit
Talking Mental Health is an animation and accompanying teacher toolkit designed to help begin conversations about mental health in the classroom and beyond.
Talking racism and mental health in schools: podcast series
A series of five podcast episodes featuring mental health, anti-racism and education experts.
Teaching curriculum topics linked to racism and handling racist world events
A lesson planning guide for teaching a curriculum topic that is linked to race and racism, or for when a potentially traumatic racist incident occurs in the wider world.
Ten ways to support school staff wellbeing
An action-planning guide to help school and college leaders support the wellbeing of their staff.
Traumatic bereavement resources
Resources about traumatic bereavement, featuring a short introductory animation and a comprehensive written guide with supporting tools and videos.
Wellbeing measurement resources for students
Resources to help schools and colleges understand the mental wellbeing needs of their students using a simple step-by-step approach.
We all have mental health: animation and teacher toolkit
An animation and accompanying teacher toolkit aimed at Key Stage 3 secondary school pupils (Years 7-9).
Wellbeing measurements for school staff
Information and support to implement staff wellbeing surveys.
Wellbeing measurement framework for schools
A suite of measurement booklets for primary school, secondary school and college students.