Adaptive Mentalization Based Integrative Treatment (AMBIT)
AMBIT is an approach to helping people who have multiple needs and was developed here at Anna Freud.
Click on the link below to view our publicly advertised trainings and AMBIT events.
What is AMBIT?
AMBIT supports teams in helping vulnerable clients by improving coordination, trust, and adaptive learning.
Who is AMBIT for?
AMBIT supports clients with complex, overlapping needs who face challenges accessing conventional help, fostering trust and collaboration across services.
Does AMBIT Work?
AMBIT is a developmental theory supported by an extensive body of empirical research.
AMBIT Training, Consultation and Supervision
Learn more about the AMBIT training process, teaching and the trainings we have on offer.
AMBIT resources
On this page you can find videos and free downloadable training resources to support your learning and enable you to share insights gained from the training with your team.
Meet the AMBIT Programme Team
Introducing the AMBIT team experts.
Keep in touch with us
The AMBIT newsletter is open to all those who have an interest in AMBIT (adaptive mentalization based integrative treatment) or who work with people who have multiple needs in health, social care, youth, education and criminal justice settings. It is hosted by the AMBIT Programme at Anna Freud. After joining you will receive:
a quarterly newsletter with updates on relevant theory, research, resources and events
very occasional additional emails to inform you of specific events