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Parent and Carer Champions

At Anna Freud, we are committed to ensuring that the experiences of parents, carers and young people help us further improve the services that we offer. Our aim is that children, young people and parents are involved in all aspects of our work, and we are keen to offer opportunities for parents, carers and young people to contribute to our projects and services.

  • About Parent and Carer Champions

    Our Parent and Carer Champions support us to ensure that the views and experiences of parents and carers help shape how we deliver our mental health services.

  • Parent and Carer Champion FAQs

    Frequently asked questions about volunteering as a Parent or Carer Champion at Anna Freud.

  • Meet our Parent and Carer Champions

    Hear from our Parent and Carer Champions about why they joined, what they get up to and how they hope to use their experience in the future.

  • Parent's panel

    We hold regular Parents' Panels for our Parent and Carer Champions to get together and share their expertise, guidance and advice on a wide range of projects and services across Anna Fre...

  • Get involved as a Parent or Carer Champion

    Interested in joining our team of Parent and Carer Champions? Find out how to get involved.

  • Meet the team

    Meet the team that work with our Parent and Young Champions to promote and support participation at Anna Freud.