Who is AMBIT for?
AMBIT supports clients with complex, overlapping needs who face challenges accessing conventional help, fostering trust and collaboration across services.
Who is AMBIT designed for?
AMBIT is designed for clients who have multiple and often overlapping and intersecting needs, who often present with significant risk, and for whom accessing and using ‘conventional’ forms of help may be particularly challenging.
Target clients for AMBIT
AMBIT is designed for clients who have multiple needs and often, consequently, the involvement of multiple agencies. It is often applied to helping clients whose adaptive responses to experiences of trauma, exclusion and marginalisation have left them – understandably – reluctant to trust in others, including helping services.
It is applied by teams working with a range of client age groups in a range of statutory, third sector and private settings – from children in education settings to adults in prison settings.
AMBIT has been influential in the ideas underpinning the THRIVE framework for system change, and is one approach for organising work in the ‘Getting Risk Support’ needs grouping.
Who is using AMBIT?
We have trained – and AMBIT has been successfully implemented by - a very wide range of professionals and is often used as a shared approach in order to better integrate multi-disciplinary teams and networks.
Below is a non-exhaustive list of professional groups that have been trained in AMBIT:
Youth workers
Residential workers
Peer support workers
Social workers and family support workers
Early help workers
Mental health professionals (psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, occupational therapists, family therapists, health care assistants)
Speech and language therapists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists
Paediatricians and paediatric nurses
Teachers and educational psychologists
Prison and custody officers
Police officers
Youth justice workers and probation officers
Sports coaches
Where is the world is AMBIT being used?
AMBIT has trained teams across the world - approximately 300 - over the last ten years. A (non-exhaustive) list of countries where teams have been trained:
England, Wales, Scotland & Northern Ireland
Republic of Ireland