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Responding to a young person who is self-harming

Understand what self-harm is and is not. Recognise the causes, triggers, and cycles of self-harm.

About this training

This training explores the risk factors that make young people vulnerable to self-harm and gives practical strategies you can use in your setting to support a young person who is self-harming.

Aims of this training

  • Understand what self-harm is and is not.

  • Recognise the causes, triggers, and cycles of self-harm.

  • Be prepared with helpful responses to young people who self-harm.

  • Know how to manage the risk of self-harm.

Who is this training for?

Members of secondary school or college pastoral teams and support staff working directly with young people at risk of or who they are aware are self-harming.

Terms of booking

Upon booking, you will be asked to confirm that you have read and accept our terms and conditions and our privacy notice. Please read these documents before booking:

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