News & Blog
"At my school someone provides support a couple of days a week, which is a good start but it’s not enough”
Two weeks after the general election and following the King’s Speech, Anna Freud Young Champion James shares his thoughts on what he’s heard from the new Labour government so far and how...
We respond to the Labour Party's 2024 General Election win
It's essential that the Labour Party now engages directly with young people to create lasting change to mental health.
“It’s really important for politicians to engage young people and this starts with more youth-centred policies”
We hear from Anna Freud young champion Grace about the general election campaign so far, and the changes she wants the next government to make.
Anna Freud and Laura Henry-Allain MBE publish book to help young children talk about mental health
Free resource from the leading mental health charity and award-winning children’s author aims to show that feeling down some days is normal.
Online wellbeing service improves depression and anxiety levels for 70% of young people
Data from leading mental health charity reveals benefits of early intervention programme for schools and colleges.
Anna Freud CEO recognised in King’s Birthday Honours
Professor Peter Fonagy has been awarded with a CBE for services to mental health care for children and young people.
“More attention still needs to be paid to the vital importance of building the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people”
We react to the general election campaign as it passes the halfway point.
Making children and young people's mental health a priority in the election
We respond to the news that a General Election will take place on 4 July 2024.
Study supported by Anna Freud reveals day workshop in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy effectively reduces depression in 16-18 year olds
Researchers found that participants who attended the workshop showed significant improvements in their depression, anxiety, wellbeing and resilience after a six-month follow up.