News & Blog
Five tips to prioritise wellbeing for education staff this World Mental Health Day
Ways to build positive mental wellbeing for educators this World Mental Health Day.
Remaining places on autism training programme for mental health staff released
Staff in England have until November to sign-up for ‘train the trainer’ course co-produced with autistic people to improve mental health care.
Learning from each other: Wellbeing interventions in Colombia
We’re exploring how active interventions can impact physical and mental health in different communities across the world.
"A universal wellbeing measurement could have a generational impact"
Anna Freud has today (12 September 2024) endorsed the Charting a Happier Course report from Pro Bono Economics.
A word from our new CEO, Professor Eamon McCrory
Innovation and collaboration are key to advancing support for children and young people’s mental health, says our new CEO, Eamon.
Mental health charity Anna Freud announces new Chief Executive
Professor Eamon McCrory succeeds Professor Peter Fonagy CBE who steps down after more than two decades.
Anna Freud responds to recent violence across the UK
We respond to the killing and injuring of children in Southport on Monday 29 July and the violent, racist and Islamophobic riots that have followed.
Rethinking EDI at Anna Freud
Our Head of EDI explains why thinking differently, and becoming comfortable with the uncomfortable, is key to driving change.
£1 million donation to Anna Freud for online wellbeing service announced
Grant from The Julia Rausing Trust continues legacy of support for early intervention programme for schools and colleges.