News & Blog
Fundraise for Us!
We need your support to raise much needed funds for the vital work we do with vulnerable children, young people and their families.
New research from the Evidence Based Practice Unit
The Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families' Evidence-Based Practice Unit has published several new articles.
Come to our Postgraduate Studies Virtual Open Day
Postgraduate Studies Virtual Open Day – Wednesday 29th April (2.00pm) Are you interested in finding out more about the Certificate/Diploma/MSc in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Childr...
Emotional problems in schoolgirls rose dramatically over past 5 years
Emotional problems in girls aged 11-13 in England increased by 55% between 2009 and 2014, finds new research from our Evidence Based Practice Unit (EBPU). On average, this means that a m...
New report on promoting, protecting and improving children and young people's mental health
How can we make it easier for children, young people, parents and carers to access help and support they need?
New podcast of Peter Fonagy's EBPU seminar on 'Interpreting the Dodo Bird' available now!
A podcast on Peter Fonagy's talk 'Interpreting the Dodo Bird' is now available on SoundCloud.
What does the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families do? Watch and share our new animation video!
To explain our work in an engaging way that can be enjoyed and understood by everyone we work with, we have developed an animation video.
Using bio-feedback to enhance resilience
The Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families has developed SmartGym, a new approach that combines technology and sports psychology with the aim of improving young people’s me...
What or who helps you feel better when you are stressed or upset?
That’s the question our ‘See Us Hear Us’ project posed to more than 70 children and teenagers from across London.