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Schools in Mind Summer Event

On the 28th July we hosted the second Schools in Mind event at our Rodney Street site. The day showcased how different parts of the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families are using innovative practices in schools through presentations, demonstrations, and a networking 'Market Place'.

Attendees had the chance to try out Smart Gym, which uses sports technology and science to foster resilience; to test What's Up! an interactive online portal aimed at supporting young people to manage their own mental health; to test out the Youth Wellbeing Directory, which enables young people, parents and teachers to search for mental health services, as well as many other activities.

They also  heard the initial results from the first ever National Survey on Mental Health Support in Schools. A write up for official release, with full analyses, will be advertised on the website as soon as possible.

We also put on fun activities for children including face painting, ginger bread decorating, arts and crafts and a balloon entertainer who went down very well!

We were extremely pleased with the success and popularity, with almost 100 attendees on the day, and the feedback was very positive.

On behalf of Brenda McHugh, Neil Dawson and Miranda Wolpert we’d like to thank everyone who came and contributed to the success of the Schools in Mind Summer Event; including workshop presenters and volunteers. We will be hosting a breakfast briefing in the Autumn term and further information will be posted shortly.

If there is any aspect of the Schools in Mind network which you would like to know more about, or particular questions you have, please email: