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  • Intranasal oxytocin administration improves mood in new mothers with moderate low mood but not in mothers with elevated symptoms of postnatal depression: A randomised controlled trial

    This study investigated if oxytocin nasal administration reduces low mood in new mothers with postnatal depression.

    Authors: Lindley Baron-Cohen, K., Feldman, R., Fearon, P., Fonagy, P.

  • The relationship between general psychopathology in young people with family functioning and engagement with psychotherapy

    In this paper, we investigated what was the most accurate way of understanding the structure of psychopathology in a Brazilian sample (i.e., 'is psychopathology a unique factor that explains all psychopathological conditions such as anxiety, depression, and antisocial disorders? Or are those conditions actually different categories/problems?').

    Authors: Ramires, V.R.R., Fiorini, G., Schmidt, F. M. D., da Costa, C. P., Deon, E., & Saunders, R.

  • Short-term psychoanalytic psychotherapy with depressed adolescents: Comparing in-session interactions in good and poor outcome cases

    In this paper, we analysed the psychoanalytic psychotherapy sessions of 10 adolescents diagnosed with depression, divided into a group that had 'good outcomes' and another group that had 'poor outcomes' (meaning that therapy helped reducing depression for the adolescents of one of the groups, but did not for the other).

    Authors: Fiorini, G., Bai, Y., Fonagy, P., The IMPACT Consortium, Midgley, N.

  • Response to Maria Papadima’s commentary on MacKean et al. (2023) and Midgley et al.’s (2021) papers about an internet-based psychodynamic treatment

    This paper is a response to Maria Papadima’s commentary on MacKean et al. (2023) and Midgley et al.’s (2021) papers about an internet-based psychodynamic treatment.

    Authors: Midgley, N., Mechler, J. & Lindqvist, K.

  • The Evidence-Base for Psychodynamic Interventions with Children Under 5 Years of Age and Their Caregivers: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

    The aim of this work is to systematically review, synthesize, and critically appraise evidence for the efficacy and/or effectiveness of psychodynamic interventions for children under 5 years of age and their caregivers.

    Authors: Sleed, M., Li, E., Vainieri, I. & Midgley, N.

  • The Use of Mentalization-Based Techniques in Online Psychodynamic Child Psychotherapy

    In this study, multilevel modelling analyses showed children with higher emotional lability benefited more from attention control interventions compared to those with lower emotional lability.

    Authors: Ayşenur, C., Halfon, S., Bate, J. & Midgley, N.

  • The Reflective Fostering Programme-Adapting a group parenting programme for online delivery in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in the United Kingdom

    There are opportunities and challenges in the delivery of online therapeutic services, particularly those with a group format. This paper contributes initial reflections to what we hope will be a rapidly developing literature on best practice of supporting group services in an online format.

    Authors: Redfern S, Pursch B, Katangwe-Chigamba T, Sopp R, Irvine K, Sprecher EA, Schwaiger T, Midgley N.

  • Integrating professional identities: an ethnographic study of psychoanalytic child psychotherapy in a children’s social care setting

    The importance of child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) collaborating with other agencies is of paramount concern for children with complex difficulties, including children in care. However, there is a lack of research exploring the role of child and adolescent psychoanalytic psychotherapists in multi-disciplinary and multi-agency work surrounding these children.

    Authors: Robinson, F., Midgley, N.

  • The therapy process with depressed adolescents who drop out of psychoanalytic psychotherapy: An empirical case study

    This mixed-methods empirical case study aimed to explore the therapeutic process of a 12-session, prematurely ended therapy with a young person with depression in short-term psychoanalytic psychotherapy (STPP).

    Authors: Meier, J., Midgley, N., O'Keeffe, S., & Thackeray, L.
