News & Blog
Anna Freud Centre staff, students and Champions march to mark London Pride
On Saturday 6th July staff, students, Young and Parent Champions from the Anna Freud Centre will march in the London Pride Parade to celebrate the diversity of our workforce and our Cham...
Navigating a new body: adolescence and self-perception
A Young Champion talks about her experience of body image.
Social media and self-care
A Young Champion talks about social media and how to practice self-care if negative feelings arise.
Mental Health Awareness Training to be rolled out to secondary schools
Over 1,800 secondary schools and colleges will receive free Mental Health Awareness Training (MHAT) delivered by the leading mental health charity, the Anna Freud Centre, as part of a Go...
The many ways in which babies need their fathers
Over the past few decades there has been a move away from the traditional view in Western society which limits the role of the father to provider and protector who enables the mother to ...
An introduction to self-care
A Young Champion provides some guidance on coping with bad stress and the importance of self-care.
HRH The Duchess of Cambridge launches the new Anna Freud Centre to drive change for child mental health
Today, Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge, Patron of the Anna Freud Centre is opening the new Anna Freud Centre to drive change in children and young people’s mental health.
We're moving in to our new home
We are now in the process of moving into our new Anna Freud Centre, for children and young people’s mental health. This is the culmination of years of fundraising, project...
‘Out of mind’: why do perinatal services not engage with fathers
Well-balanced and coordinated early experiences of infants with both mothers and fathers and with the threesome that includes themselves, are all essential for the developmental process ...