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Your Choice

Anna Freud and the Institute for Fiscal Studies have partnered to evaluate the Your Choice programme, which aims to reduce violence for at-risk 11- to 18-year-olds across London.

Anna Freud and the Institute for Fiscal Studies have partnered to evaluate the Your Choice programme, which aims to reduce violence for at-risk 11- to 18-year-olds across London. Your Choice involves young people meeting with their practitioners three times per week for twelve weeks and is based on CBT techniques.

Project lead: Julian Edbrooke-Childs

Funder: Youth Endowment Fund

Collaborators: Institute for Fiscal Studies; Anna Freud

Project Partners: London Innovation and Improvement Alliance; Violence Reduction Unit

Duration: 2 years (Ending August 2025)

Find out more about Your Choice here.

More information about the evaluation of Your Choice (“The London Young People Study”) can be found here.

Find out more about the Evidence Based Practice Unit