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Preventing Adolescent Depression: Interpersonal Psychotherapy – Adolescent Skills Training

Interpersonal Psychotherapy – Adolescent Skills Training (IPT-AST) is a group-based, preventive intervention for adolescent depression that can be delivered in a variety of settings.

About this training

IPT-AST is based on interpersonal psychotherapy, an evidence-based treatment for adolescent and adult depression. IPT-AST consists of one or two individual pre-group sessions; eight group sessions; and an individual mid-group session. The focus of the intervention is on teaching communication skills and interpersonal problem-solving strategies to improve relationships and prevent the development of depression.

Components of IPT-AST include psychoeducation regarding depression and the link between feelings and interpersonal events and interpersonal skill building to address interpersonal difficulties. Goals include reducing depressive symptoms, improving interpersonal functioning, preventing the occurrence of depressive disorders, and giving group members a positive experience with a psychosocial intervention.

The web-based training will provide participants with an overview of the structure of IPT-AST, training in key IPT-AST techniques (interpersonal inventory, interpersonal goal setting, communication analysis, interpersonal skill building, and role playing), and practice implementing IPT-AST individual and group sessions.

Aims of this training

  • Gain advance knowledge of IPT-AST, including session format and key intervention techniques;

  • Practice key IPT-AST techniques and receive feedback from the training director on the implementation of these techniques;

  • Discuss aspects related to the implementation of IPT-AST in schools and other settings.

Who is this training for?

This course is suitable for MH and non-MH practitioners who are interested in delivering this group prevention program.

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