Children and Young People's Psychological Trainings: Therapy, PG Dip
This Postgraduate Diploma is part of the Department of Health initiative to improve outcomes for children and young people by ensuring they have a better experience of mental health services and by developing a skilled workforce to support them.
About this programme
This Postgraduate Diploma provides specialist post-qualification training for recruited professionals with some experience. Practitioners will gain a critical understanding of service change, outcome monitoring, and fundamentals of evidence-based psychological therapies to treat common mental health problems in childhood and adolescence (anxiety, depression, and conduct problems).
A key aim is to improve the effectiveness of psychological services for mental health disorders by embedding the necessary changes into service culture. Students are encouraged to think about their role in the transformation of services to the benefit of children, young people and families through the following principles:
the delivery of evidence-based practice
monitoring outcomes to ensure that the therapist is effectively supporting the young person in getting better
engaging young people to collaboratively help to shape their services.
Depending on funding and course viability, students will apply a specific specialisation and develop skills in one of the below modalities held at either UCL or KCL.
University College London course modules
Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Adolescents (IPT-A)
Infant Mental Health (0-5s)
Autism Spectrum Condition or Learning Difficulties (ASC/LD)
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)
Kings College London course modules
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)
Systemic Family Practice (SFP CDD) - Conduct Disorder and Depression
Systemic Family Practice (SFP ED) - Eating Disorders
Parent Training (PT)
Please visit the KCL website for more information on their Recruit to Train modalities.
The successfully recruited candidates will undertake a one year full-time postgraduate diploma, starting in January. University days are around 2.5 days a week during term time, with the remaining time spent working in the service. There are occasional extra teaching days required for intensive training (such as for the Incredible Years training for 0-5s).
Course fees are covered by NHSE pending a successful application process. As this is a NHSE funded course with employment placements, prospective candidates for the UCL modalities must be able trainees must also be eligible for Home Fees and have plans to remain in the UK for at least two years post-graduation.
January 2025 entry
Please note there have been some national curriculum changes to this programme by National Health Education England (NHSE). The programme team are in the process of requesting these changes with UCL including a formal name change to: ‘PG Dip: Children and Young People’s Psychological Trainings: Therapy’ pending university approval.
As a result, the UCL portal is not yet open for applications for January 2025 and only shortlisted or successful candidates sent through by the hiring services will be invited to apply when the application portal is open.
How do I apply?
Please note applications for these courses are a dual process. Prospective candidates must apply to the university course at the same time as one of the associated job adverts. The job advert will have guidance embedded into the advert about applying for the university course. However if this is not included, please contact the Programme Officer.
Each service advertises individually and will conduct a standard recruitment process – however, they will share their shortlist with the University during the interview period. The University will check their Applications Portal and confirm candidates’ course eligibility and report this to the service. The service will create a final shortlist with this information and will give a tentative offer to the successful applicant, subject to final checks.
Candidates can apply to multiple job adverts and to different modalities, but they should review person specifications to ensure that their experience is suitable for each modality. Each job advert will have different recruitment forms to fill out, however the University Portals only need to be filled out once per recruitment cycle, no matter how many jobs are applied for. Candidates should ensure that they have applied to the correct course and university. In some cases, this will be both KCL and UCL if applying across different modalities.
We strongly recommend in your university application that you mention the modality (or modalities) you are applying for, and submit one personal statement for each modality so the programme teams can properly review your application.
When can I apply?
The course will start in January 2025. Typically, the University Portal opens from August and services advertise roles anytime from August to late November the year before the course begins. Services advertise individually and at different times.
Further information
The UCL programme page is available to view on UCL's website.
For further queries on the programme, please contact the Programme Team via email at
CYP-IAPT course guides for 2025
ASC/LD course guide
Postgraduate Diploma Children & Young People’s IAPT Therapy: Autism Spectrum Conditions and Learning Disabilities Pathway (ASC/LD)* course guide.
CBT course guide
Postgraduate Diploma Children & Young People’s IAPT Therapy: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) course guide.
IPT-A course guide
Postgraduate Diploma Children & Young People’s IAPT Therapy: Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Adolescents (IPT-A)* course guide.
0-5s course guide
Postgraduate Diploma Children & Young People’s IAPT Therapy: 0-5s (Infant Mental Health)* course guide.