MBT Supervisors
List of certified MBT Supervisors.
If you are interested in obtaining MBT supervision, please contact any of the Anna Freud approved MBT supervisors directly below.
Matt Angell – m.angell@vision-mh.com | matthewpangell@hotmail.com
Dr Matt Angell qualified as a medical doctor in 1994. He initially specialised in general medicine working in a variety of different specialities for 5 years prior to obtaining the post-graduate qualification MRCP (Member of the Royal College of Physicians). Following this he worked as a principle investigator within the pharmaceutical industry. In 2005 he started his training in psychiatry in the NHS. In 2007 he started an independent Mental Health Hospital, Cornerstone House, based in Hertfordshire, England. He continued his NHS training on a part-time basis and in 2008 started working full time at Cornerstone House. During this time he developed an interest in the treatment of personality disorder. In 2010, following basic training in MBT, he started to develop an MBT in-patient treatment service for people with personality disorder. The model is run by a dedicated MBT team supervised by Dr Matt Angell. The program is intensive, structured and involves attendance at different MBT focused groups on a daily basis with weekly individual sessions. The programme is designed to be tailored to the individual, based on an assessment of their mentalizing abilities. As a patient moves through the service the goal is to increase their ability to manage more challenging groups as their ability to mentalize increases. All Hospital Staff are trained internally on the principles and application of MBT. Groups are constantly reviewed in terms of their effectiveness as measured by patient and staff feedback. Admissions are taken directly from the NHS and there is a notable reduction in harmful behaviours during the first months of admission. The service is currently working on a formal patient follow up study to determine the effectiveness of preventing re-admission along with peoples’ engagement in the workplace and/or further education. The Hospital informally maintains contact with patients post discharge and receives feedback from commissioners of patients’ progress. This information is indicative of good long-term functioning however we are yet to confirm this formally. The service also offers an out-patient service for discharged patients which consists of individual sessions and/or groups. Professor Bateman has been a member of the Hospital’s External Board for approximately 6 years and has provided ad-hoc supervision to the MBT team and more formal supervision to Dr Angell during this period. He has been pivotal in the support that he has provided to the service and its development.
Tom Baines – tom.baines@nhs.net
By core registration, Tom is a Social Worker. Prior to qualifying with an MA in Social Work in 2009, he did a degree in Spanish & French, and also qualified and worked as a Classical Guitarist. Tom’s first employed roles in mental health were in psychodynamic therapeutic communities, working with children and young people. This experience introduced him to the richness of working relationally, with groups and individuals.
Since 2009, Tom has worked predominantly in secondary mental health services in London, Bath and Bristol; initially in Camhs, however, mainly with adults in Recovery Teams. Tom was fortunate to train in MBT in 2016, and since 2017, MBT has been at the heart of Tom’s clinical practice. He has practised MBT extensively with individuals and groups, and accredited as a Practitioner of MBT in 2019. Since 2017, Tom has had monthly team MBT supervision with Rory Bolton.
Since 2022, Tom has held a dual post: Lead for Bristol’s MBT Service, and also as Psychological Practitioner in Bristol’s Central Recovery Team, where he also practises EMDR. Tom co-facilitates the MBT Full Programme Group in Bristol, and oversees the MBT service, as well as providing clinical supervision and assessments. Since supporting his first NHSE MBT trainees through their year of supervision, Tom accredited as an MBT Supervisor in January 2025. He plans to continue with this work, having appreciated and learned greatly from supporting novice practitioners in their MBT journeys. Tom has a keen interest in working with developmental trauma and attachment. His social work training, related to power, difference and anti-oppressive practice, informs his practice. Tom is also influenced by a long-term interest in mindfulness, and the links between body, heart and mind.
Emma Barclay – emma.barclay3@nhs.scot
Emma is a UKCP registered Group Analytic Psychotherapist since 2015 and has trained as an MBT Therapist and Supervisor since 2012 within the Psychotherapy department in the North-East of Scotland, NHS Grampian. Emma is also RMN trained from 1995 and divides her time between the health service and her own private practice.
Emma has been involved in developing an MBT day program and as part of a team, she provides teaching, consultation, supervision and delivering treatment for both individuals and groups of patients and staff.
Daiva Barzdaitiene – daivab150@gmail.com
Dr Daiva Barzdaitiene is a Consultant Psychiatrist working in Norfolk Community Eating Disorders Service (NCEDS). She was one of the PI in the NOURISHED study in UK which compared MBT vs SSCM in treatment of patients with eating disorder and borderline personality disorder. Over the past five years Daiva worked in Lithuania where she introduced the concept of MBT to Lithuania and its MH professionals. She wrote articles, ran seminars on MBT, MBT-A and MBT-ED, as well as setting up, delivering and supervising group and individual MBT and MBT-i for eating disorders in inpatient and outpatient settings. Additionally, she has a major interest in training ED staff in MBT skills and using mentalizing principles to help psychologically inform clinical environments. Before being trained in MBT, Daiva studied existential therapy for four years and completed a four-year training in psychoanalytical psychotherapy.
Jennie Boland – Jennie.Boland@nhs.net
Dr Jennie Boland is a HCPC registered Clinical Psychologist working in Adult Mental Health Services in Bath and North East Somerset. She has a special interest in working with people with complex emotional needs. She is lead Clinician for the MBT Service in Bath since setting up a Full MBT Programme in 2017. As well as continuing to work clinically, co-facilitating the MBT group and co-ordinating the programme, she supervises a number of services supporting them to implement MBT and to support their clinical development. She is supervised by Rory Bolton.
Rory Bolton – rory.bolton@solasoxford.com
Rory Bolton is the joint Programme Director for the Adult MBT Programme at Anna Freud. He is a registered Mental Health Nurse since 1996, and a British Psychoanalytic Council registered psychoanalytic psychotherapist since 2010 and Dynamic Interpersonal Therapist since 2018. He worked as a clinician within the Halliwick Personality Disorder Service between 1996 and 2015, where he participated in the research studies and the development of the Mentalisation-Based Therapy (MBT) approach under the direction of Professor Anthony Bateman. He was the clinical and operational manager of Personality Disorder Services across the Trust between 2008 and 2015, where he oversaw the setting up of satellite specialist services in the boroughs of Enfield and Barnet. Between 2015 and 2022 he was clinical and operational lead for the psychotherapy services in City and Hackney for East London Foundation NHS Trust, and he became the lead for psychological therapies across secondary care services in the borough between 2017 and 2022. He is an associate trainer on the basic and practitioner training courses in MBT run through Anna Freud, and he is experienced in supervising specialist personality disorder services in the application of MBT across NHS secondary care, private hospital and offender pathway settings since 2010. Prior to his career in psychiatry, he completed a PhD in biological research, where he obtained a grounding in empirical research methodology.
Mirek Boniecki – mirek.boniecki@gmail.com
Mirek Boniecki is a Group Analytic Psychotherapist and Clinical Lead for MBT at Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust. He has many years of experience working in the NHS across different teams and services, including psychotherapy, eating disorders, and personality disorders, as well as supervising clinical teams delivering MBT and SCM. He is a qualified supervisor through the Institute of Group Analysis and Anna Freud. He completed the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Programme at the NHS Leadership Academy and obtained an MSc Leadership in Healthcare. He is interested in co-production, organisational dynamics and how mentalising working systems can contribute to delivering person-centred and collaborative care.
Gerry Byrne – Gerry.Byrne@oxfordhealth.nhs.uk
Gerry Byrne is a registered Mental Health Nurse since 1990 and an Association of Child Psychotherapists registered Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist since 2003. He was clinical lead for the Family Assessment & Safeguarding Service (FASS, Oxfordshire and Wiltshire &BaNES), the Infant Parent Perinatal Service (IPPS, Oxford) and the ReConnect Service (Buckinghamshire). As an Associate Trainer and Supervisor at Anna Freud in MBT he has delivered training and supervision in his own Trust, in London and in Dublin (2014/5) and currently supervises teams in London, Oxford and Ireland. He has developed an MBT Programme for Parents; The Lighthouse MBT-P Programme which is run in both the FASS and ReConnect Services, supervised by Nick Midgley (AF/UCL) and which is undergoing an independent evaluation by AF/UCL, led by Professor Pasco Fearon and Dr Michelle Sleed.
Javier Malda Castillo – j.maldacastillo@outlook.com
Dr Javier Malda Castillo is a clinical psychologist, Mentalization-Based Treatment (MBT) therapist and supervisor and lead of a tertiary Psychotherapy & Personality Disorder Department in the NHS. He has completed psychodynamic psychotherapy training in the Tavistock. He has also acquired group practitioner accredited status by the Institute of Group Analysis (IGA). He is particularly interested in evidence-based psychodynamic and attachment-based treatments. He has completed the full training in Intensive Short Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP) and is accredited by the International Experiential Dynamic Therapy Association (IEDTA). He originally trained in Mentalization Based Treatment (MBT) in 2018 and completed his supervisor training in 2022 with Professor Anthony Bateman at Anna Freud. He has been involved in the implementation of MBT in adult community mental health services in the NHS as well as in the research of this therapeutic method. Javier published the first systematic literature review on the evidence base of MBT (Malda-Castillo, Browne & Perez-Algorta, 2019).
Lucie Colvin
Dr Nicola Connolly - drnicolaconnolly@btinternet.com Dr Nicola Connolly is a HCPC registered Consultant Clinical Psychologist, and BPS Chartered Psychologist and RAPPS supervisor since qualifying in 2000. She has worked in NHS services for over 25 years across both children’s and young people’s services (clinical lead for looked after and adopted children 2015-2021), and adult mental health services. She is currently MBT Lead in Buckinghamshire Adult Mental Health at Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust and supervises staff in psychological therapies and mental health hub teams delivering MBTi, individual MBT and MBT-G.
Dr Connolly is also the Clinical Lead of the ReConnect service in Buckinghamshire, a nationally acclaimed service for parents presenting with safeguarding risks to infants (Winner of Infant Mental Health Awards 2016 PIPUK; Maternal Mental Health Alliance “Transgenerational Service Award 2018”). The ReConnect service works with parents with complex background histories (complex trauma), Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder traits, and domestic abuse. MBT, Video Interaction Guidance and trauma therapy including EMDR are offered by the service. Nicola is passionate about advocating for parents who present with complex needs offering support to break intergenerational cycles of abuse and neglect, and improving the parent-infant attachment relationship.
She has worked with Gerry Byrne in Oxford from 2008 to 2013, and is co-author of the Lighthouse MBT-P Programme. Her ReConnect service was the initial pilot centre for the Lighthouse MBT-P programme and was evaluated by Anna Freud/UCL. Nicola currently supervises and teaches third year trainee clinical psychologists on the Oxford D Clin Psych. Training course.
In addition to NHS work, Nicola runs a private practice for adults and couples in St Albans and in Buckinghamshire. She is available for private supervision (individual/small groups).
Hayley Cooper – Hayley.cooper@nottingham.ac.uk
Dr Hayley Cooper is HCPC registered Consultant Clinical and Forensic Psychologist, working for Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust. Hayley has worked with severe and complex personality disorder for over 25 years in the NHS in a variety of settings (high secure, low secure, community and Probation services) utilizing various therapeutic modalities including DBT and CBT before focusing solely on MBT since 2014 onwards. Hayley completed her basic MBT training in 2014 and then the MBT for ASPD and advanced MBT Training, with Prof.’s Anthony Bateman and Peter Fonagy at Anna Freud. From 2014-2021 Hayley was the Nottingham lead for the MBT community treatment services based in the National Probation Service as part of a large multi-site RCT of MBT for ASPD within the National Offender Personality Disorder Programme. Hayley had the pleasure of being supervised by Dr Jessica Yakeley, Consultant Psychiatrist in Forensic Psychotherapy and Director of the Portman who was the Lead for the National Development of the MBT RCT for adult males with ASPD. Hayley is an MBT BPD and ASPD supervisor.
Hayley works as the Senior Clinical Tutor on the Trent Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, based at the university of Nottingham where she trains and is the manager for the trainee clinical psychologists. She has a major interest in training staff and utilizing MBT skills and mentalizing principles to help psychologically inform clinical interventions in the NHS. Hayley is passionate about MBT and the value it holds for both clients and clinicians and is enthusiastic about its advancement.
Amanda Crawshaw – Amanda.Crawshaw@mpft.nhs.uk
Amanda Crawshaw is an HCPC/BPS registered Consultant Counselling Psychologist and was Clinical Lead for MBT in the Offender Personality Disorder during the RCT, MBT for ASPD. Amanda is MBT lead for Midlands Partnership University Foundation Trust in the Shropshire Care Group. Amanda and colleagues developed and established the Complex Emotional Needs community adult mental health service in Shropshire in 2017 and an MBT service in 2018 and across both roles Amanda has practiced, supervised and clinically led MBT in a range of settings. Amanda is trained in a range of evidence-based approaches including SCM, DBT, Trauma approaches/EMDR and has a particular interest in the training and development of MBT teams through supervision and consultation.
Helena Crockford – helenacrockford.psychology@gmail.com
Helena Crockford is an HCPC registered Consultant Clinical Psychologist. She has worked in adult mental health services for 30 years across community, day, acute and low secure service settings. She has specialized clinically for much of this time in working with people with complex emotional needs - personality difficulties, complex trauma and dissociative difficulties.
She has long been a passionate advocate of MBT and the value it has for people with complex mental health problems and the multi-disciplinary teams working with them. She has worked as an MBT Practitioner, MBT Skills trainer and MBT Supervisor for many years, and led the development of a number of MBT treatment pathways. She is a highly experienced supervisor generally, as well as in MBT. She led on the development of MBT skills, supervision and service strategy within the Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Mental Health Trust (NSFT). She was also part of the leadership for the development of strategy, skills and pathways for people who may meet the criteria for personality disorder and led this in relation to people with complex dissociative difficulties as well as MBT. She is also a qualified DBT Therapist, and previously led a DBT treatment programme.
She is currently engaged in further training through the Bowlby Centre, to qualify as an Attachment-Informed Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist.
She is actively committed at a national level to supporting professional development and improvements in psychologically and trauma-informed care within mental health services, and is the former chair of the Complex Mental Health Network, Association of Clinical Psychologists-UK (ACP-UK), and previously chair of the Personality and Complex Trauma Network of the Psychosis and Complex Mental Health Faculty in the BPS Division of Clinical Psychology.
Gail Cumming – gcumming2@nhs.net
Gail Cumming qualified as an RMN in 2002 following the completion of an MA in Psychology and a Bachelor of Nursing. Gail currently works in an Adult Community Mental Health Team after spending 10 years working in an acute psychiatric ward. Gail has assisted in the development and continuation of the NHS Grampian MBT service in Moray and currently offers both group and individual therapy for people with a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder. Gail also has experience in delivering the MBT skills training programme to NHS Grampian and local authority staff and has a strong interest in the continuation of service development in relation to MBT.
Penny Cutting – penny.cutting@annafreud.org
Penny Cutting RGN, RMN, BSc(Hons), MA Psychotherapy, MClinRes
Penny’s core profession is nursing, (general and psychiatric). She became a UKCP registered integrative psychotherapist in 1999 and in 2011 completed a Masters in Clinical Research at Manchester University. She set up and ran a therapeutic service which offered an alternative to psychiatric hospital for women for which she won the Kings Fund Award for Healthcare in London in 2001.
For 8 years she was the Service Lead for the Croydon Personality Disorder Service (MBT day hospital, MBT IOP and a crisis support and coping skills service known as the Sun Project) at the South London and Maudsley (SLaM) NHS Foundation Trust. In that service she was principal investigator for a research study on enhancing MBT with adjunctive avatar therapy. She remains clinically active in SLaM, facilitating MBT groups. Since 2020 she has been the SLaM Trust Lead for MBT providing professional leadership, guiding the development of MBT Quality Manual adherent services, offering supervision, training and support to 4 MBT teams and to other teams interested in introducing a mentalizing stance into their work.
She chairs the Trust’s special interest group for MBT practitioners and is active in supporting the implementation of KUF training and SCM. In 2022, Penny became co-director of the National Training Programme for MBT at Anna Freud.
Julie Dilallo – Julie.dilallo@nhs.net
Julie Dilallo is an NHS consultant psychotherapist and clinical lead for specialist personality disorder services including two therapeutic communities – Brenchley and Ash Eton in Kent. She also has a small private practice. Julie has worked in Mental health since 1985 when she first trained as an RMN and then later as a group analyst, IGA accredited group supervisor, EMDR therapist and MBT therapist and supervisor. She worked in various adult mental health services and then 15years in CAMHS services. She joined the Brenchley therapeutic community in 2013 and became clinical lead 5years ago. She is involved in many aspects of pathway and service development, including the implementation of MBT into the therapeutic communities programme.
Andrea Ferries – andrea.ferries@nhs.scot
Andrea Ferries previously worked as registered mental health nurse. She currently works as an adult psychotherapist in NHS Grampian Psychotherapy Department. Andrea runs an M.B.T programme designed for patients with borderline personality disorder. This won the award for “Access to Psychological Therapies” category of The Mental Health Forum Awards in 2014. Andrea has also set up and runs an M.B.T group for addictions. She offers both individual and group M.B.T treatment within the NHS. She supervises a range of M.B.T practitioners and supervisors. She has experience in delivering the M.B.T skills training programme. Andrea also works in private practice offering M.B.T treatment and supervision.
Marcella Fok – Marcella.fok@nhs.net
Dr Fok is a Consultant Psychiatrist in Psychotherapy at the Waterview Centre, a Specialist Personality Disorder Unit at Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust. Locally, she is developing a care pathway that expands access to patient-centred and psychologically informed treatment for individuals with personality disorder, in non-specialist, community settings. She gained a doctorate in 2015 for her research on the health, mortality and service use of people with personality disorders in South London, at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience (IOPPN), King’s College London. She is a candidate of the British Psychoanalytic Association.
Her training in MBT started in 2010 whilst she was working at the Maudsley Hospital and included a period working with the Halliwick Personality Disorder Service at St. Ann’s Hospital, under direct supervision by Professor Bateman. Dr Fok has been supervising individual and group MBT within her own teams in the NHS since 2015. She is currently involved in teaching MBT and setting up MBT in a youth service in Hong Kong. She works part-time in private practice and offers clinical supervision in Chinese (Cantonese), as well as English.
John Gaddes – john.gaddes@nhs.net
John Gaddes is a UKCP registered group analytic psychotherapist since 2004. He was previously a registered mental health nurse from 1990-2006. He has worked as a clinician in the field of adult mental health since 1990, firstly in Northumberland and Tyne and Wear NHS foundation Trust and presently NHS Grampian. He is currently the clinical lead and manager for Psychotherapy services in the Moray directorate of NHS Grampian. He has developed service provision in Moray including an MBT approach. He has also been involved in the development of MBT Scotland since its conception. He provides training and supervision of MBT for NHS Grampian and the North of Scotland and has assisted in developing an MBT service approach in the north of Scotland. He is an experienced clinician in the field of personality disorder offering supervision, consultation and training.
Marina Gaspodini – marinagaspodini1@gmail.com
Marina Gaspodini is a Group Analyst and the Lead for the Complex Emotional Needs & MBT Service in City and Hackney in East London Foundation Trust. She is an MBT practitioner and an MBT supervisor. She has worked in the NHS for over 25 years initially in a variety of settings and then working specifically with severe and complex personality disordered patients and Mentalization-Based Treatment. She has facilitated MBT groups and individual therapy for many years.
Following a degree in Psychology, Marina became a Registered Mental Health Nurse. After some years in clinical practice, she trained as a Group Analyst (UKCP registered) at the Institute of Group Analysis (IGA) in London and has extensive experience in running groups. As well as analytic groups, she has also facilitated experiential groups in the NHS/ statutory and third sector settings and staff reflective practice groups. She is also an accredited IGA supervisor.
Chris Gray – Chris.gray@ggc.scot.nhs.uk
Chris Gray RMN Highly Specialised Practitioner in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy. Chris has 25 years of experience in mental health nursing having experience both in inpatient and community nursing and was part of an innovative psychiatric home treatment team which won an award for excellence in the community. He has additional training with the Scottish Institute of Human Relations achieving a post graduate Diploma in Psychodynamic Counselling and Therapeutic Practice. Chris has a specialist interest in MBT and has helped develop the Lansdowne Psychotherapy services MBT programme in the West of Glasgow. Chris also delivers MBT skills training and supports the rolling out of MBT skills to mental health professionals within NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde.
Patrick Grove – drpatrickgrove@gmail.com Dr Patrick Grove is a Chartered Clinical Psychologist, MBT Supervisor and MBT Associate Trainer, and also an SCM Supervisor. He is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist and works as the Complex Emotional Needs Training Lead for North London NHS Foundation Trust (NLFT). He has previously led for Adult Mental Health Psychology for Bedfordshire, East London NHS Foundation Trust (ELFT).
Through ELFT, Patrick has 15 years’ experience working in MBT Services as a Psychologist, Operational Lead, and MBT Lead, working to offer individual and group treatment to people with Antisocial and Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) presentations. He has a special interest in consultation, teaching and training, completing over a hundred training sessions on working with complex interpersonal and emotional presentations and BPD to NHS, social care and non-statutory services, and currently leads for SCM implementation in NLFT.
Patrick has published his work in teaching on MBT for MRCPsych training and has taught courses and run seminars on numerous doctoral psychology courses in London.
In 2019, Patrick won the inaugural Robert Dolan Award for Leadership within ELFT for his input to service pathways and consultation on complex cases in Tower Hamlets, and contributions to Trust strategy. The Tower Hamlets team also won the RCPsych Team of the Year Award in 2019 while Patrick co-led the service.
Patrick offers private MBT supervision to individuals and NHS Services, and private training to organisations working with complex mental health presentations. He currently has vacancies for private supervision.
Nova Hart – novahartpsychology@gmail.com
Dr Nova Hart is a HCPC registered and BPS Chartered Clinical Psychologist and has worked within the NHS for over 20years in a variety of settings. Nova has a special interest in personality disorder and has worked in this area offering MBT group and individual treatment to people with Borderline and Antisocial and Personality Disorder presentations for over 15 years. She has previously offered MBT within specialist forensic settings including consultation and training to probation service. Nova’s previous role she was the operational lead of a specialist MBT service within Tower Hamlets. In her Nova is currently a Consultant Clinical Psychologist as the Psychology Lead for Complex Emotional Needs within a London NHS Trust.
Nova offers private MBT supervision mainly within group settings to individuals and NHS Services. In addition, she offers consultation and training to organisations working with complex mental health presentations.
Dr Martin Humphrey – martin.humphrey@swlstg.nhs.uk
Dr Martin Humphrey, BA(Oxon), BSc, MBBS(Lon), MRCPsych, is a Consultant Psychiatrist (in Psychotherapy and Forensic Psychiatry) who commenced MBT training in 2006. He set up the first specialist PD team in SW London in 2008, operating ever since as an MBT team and now also works with the equivalent Wandsworth team. He set up an MBT treatment programme at Broadmoor high secure hospital, where he worked 1999-2014. He has delivered training and supervision on behalf of Anna Freud since 2010.
He has delivered training and supervision in Italy (Universities of Pavia and Udine), Switzerland (University of Geneva) and Spain (Madrid), and in London, as well as lecturing widely in Britain and the rest of Europe. He has provided MBT supervision in London to Deaf adult community and Deaf adolescent in-patient services, medium secure forensic services and peri-natal services.
He is an Associate Clinical Director with the SW London and St George’s NHS Trust.
Jonathan Hurlow – jonathon.hurlow@nhs.net
Jonathan Hurlow is Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist and since 2013 he worked in a Medium Secure hospital in the West Midlands with men convicted for serious offences and diagnosed with personality disorder. He completed his medical degree in Newcastle Upon Tyne in 2005. He completed core psychiatry training in the Maudsley Training Scheme in 2010. He completed forensic psychiatry training in the North East London Forensic Training Scheme in 2013. He began facilitating MBT with men with antisocial personality disorder on probation in Haringey, London in 2012. Since 2013 he co-led the development of MBT within Birmingham & Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust Secure Services alongside psychologist colleague Dr Ros Campbell. The groups he leads treat men with personality disorder detained within medium secure services. His supervisors were Professor Anthony Bateman and Dr Anna Motz. He began supervisor training in 2021 and completed certification in June 2022. Since 2021 he became a member of the international ICD-11 Personality Disorder Implementation Group. Since 2015 he was a member of the regional Offender Personality Disorder (OPD) Pathway Midlands & East and London Complex Case Advisory Group.
Sally Jackson – sally.jackson@nottshc.nhs.uk
Sally Jackson is UKCP registered Psychodynamic Psychotherapist (since 2007) and a Registered Psychiatric nurse, (since 1989) and currently works as a Senior Adult Psychotherapist in the outpatient Psychotherapy Service in Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS trust, providing individual and group psychotherapy to patients and leading a small outpatient MBT programme. She has been an MBT accredited practitioner since 2014 and has held key roles in developing the dedicated MBT service in Nottingham, the MBT provision in Probation as part of the national project (RCT) and the outpatient programme in the psychotherapy service. She also provides training, supervision and consultancy for clinicians working with complex and challenging presentations, specifically, but not limited to borderline personality disorder, in Nottingham and neighbouring NHS trusts. She clinically supervises Nottinghamshire Healthcare Trust’s dedicated Mentalization-Based Treatment service, Working with Complex Personality Disorder.
Her MBT supervision interests lies in MBT treatment programmes for Adults with Borderline Personality Disorder and also in working with therapists for whom an understanding of the theory and technique of MBT will helpfully inform or enhance their practice in formulating and working with issues presented by patients who may be struggling to make use of or cope with other therapeutic modalities, particularly psychodynamic/psychoanalytic therapists but also care co-ordinators in community mental health teams.
Hannah Jenkins – Hannah.Jenkins@wales.nhs.uk
Dr Hannah Jenkins is a HCPC registered Senior Clinical Psychologist, working in Adult Mental Health Services within Hywel Dda University Health Board in South Wales. Completing MBT training in 2016, she first began working clinically with MBT as part of a secondment role to a large multi-site RCT of MBT for males with Anti-Social personality disorder, within the National Offender Personality Disorder Programme (OPDP). In 2018, within her NHS role, Hannah co-developed an MBT service for females with borderline personality disorder within an Adult Mental Health setting. Alongside these clinical roles, Hannah later progressed to Practitioner and finally Supervisor status within MBT. From an MBT research focus, she continues to conduct regular service evaluations within both settings and has published a formal research study which qualitatively explored the experience of males within probation settings of MBT (Thomas & Jenkins, 2019). She continues to work clinically with MBT, delivering a service to both males in a probation setting and females in an NHS setting.
Liz Jennings – Elizabeth.Jennings@ggc.scot.nhs.uk
Liz Jennings is a Specialist Psychotherapy Practitioner in MBT based in Glasgow, Scotland. She works in a team offering an MBT treatment programme to the homeless population within GG&C NHS. She has over 40 years of nursing experience within the NHS in Glasgow, in various mental health settings including homelessness, where she has worked for the last 23 years. She has experience in, and continues, delivering MBT Group and Individual and MBT-i since 2016 working in a personality disorder service. She has experience supervising MBT individual and group and also groups across different services.
Estelle Laughton – e.laughton@ucl.ac.uk
Dr Estelle Laughton, BSc MBBS MRCPsych, is a Consultant Psychiatrist dual trained in General Adult Psychiatry and Medical Psychotherapy, she is also an Adult Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist accredited by the British Psychoanalytic Council to work with adults individually and in groups. She has 20 years of experience within the NHS (2004 - 2024) and currently works in private practice with adults.
She has worked as a consultant psychiatrist in three Personality Disorders Service in North London, where she gained experience of setting up, delivering and supervising individual and group MBT alongside consultation and liaison with inpatient and community psychiatric services for the management of clients with complex emotional needs.
Her training in MBT started in 2009 whilst she was working at Dartmouth Park Unit, and included a two and a half year period working at the Halliwick Personality Disorder Service at St. Ann’s Hospital, where she participated in the research studies and the development of the Mentalisation-Based Therapy model under the direct supervision of Professor Anthony Bateman.
Avril Leonard – avril@canterburypsychotherapist.co.uk
Avril Leonard is a Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist, who qualified with a Masters of Clinical Science Psychotherapy from the University of Kent at Canterbury in 2003. She is registered with United Kingdom Council Psychotherapy under the CPJA section. Prior to this she qualified as a social worker in 1987 and worked in community mental health teams in Kent until 2003. She then worked as a psychotherapist in psychological services for 10 years and during this time set up an MBTI and MBT implicit group program. She worked at the Brenchley Specialist Personality Disorders Service as a Principal Psychotherapist 2013-2019.
She established the Specialist Mentalization-Based Therapy service at the Brenchley in 2017, which consists of a 12 week MBTI group, weekly MBT implicit and creative groups and weekly individual sessions over an 18 month period. She is supervising the first MBT program in East Kent in 2019. She completed the MBT Basic, Advanced, Training the Trainers and supervisors trainings. She continues to practice as an accredited MBT therapist and offers supervision and training in MBT both in her private practice.
Rachael Line – Rachael.line@merseycare.nhs.uk
Rachael Line is a HCPC registered Clinical Psychologist in the North West Boroughs Healthcare (NWBH) NHS Foundation Trust. Rachael attended the foundation training for MBT in 2010 and the advanced training course in 2012 and since then has been practising and supervising MBT. In 2014-15 she trained in MBT for ASPD and was involved in a multi-site RCT looking at whether MBT is effective at reducing aggressive anti-social behaviour in offenders under probation who meet criteria for ASPD. She has been supervised by Anthony Bateman since 2012.
Jane Loseby – Jane.loseby@nottshc.nhs.uk
Jane McDonald Loseby is a registered mental health nurse working in the Nottinghamshire healthcare NHS Trust. Since qualifying in 2001 has predominantly worked with individuals with a Personality disorder, in either rehabilitation settings or low secure. Since 2005 I have worked in The Nottinghamshire Mentalization based service (Notts MBT service) formally known at the Personality disorder and development Network. I have qualified up to intermediate level in Group analysis along with completing the MBT practitioner training and very recently as an MBT accredited supervisor, having received supervision myself from David Rawlinson (accredited MBT supervisor) over the years. In my role currently as Specialist senior clinical therapist I have facilitated numerous MBT therapy groups continue to do so. Within my role I also offer complex assessments to individuals who present with Anti-social PD and provide supervision within my team and provide training, supervision, reflective practise and consultation across the trust.
Adele Mason – adele.mason@nhs.net
Adele Mason is an HCPC registered Occupational Therapist and BPC registered Psychodynamic Psychotherapist. She has worked with severe and complex personality disordered patients in the NHS for over 20 years. Adele completed her basic MBT training in 2009 and MBT advanced training in 2011 with Professors Anthony Bateman and Peter Fonagy at Anna Freud and is now an accredited MBT supervisor. She has worked in a variety of settings spanning Forensic medium and low secure services and specialist personality disorder community services. She has provided MBT-g and individual therapy for many years as well as facilitating adapted MBT for ASPD patients. Between 2017-2022 she worked alongside Rory Bolton in City and Hackney for East London NHS Foundation Trust. She was the MBT outreach lead between 2017-2019 where she developed the consultation and brief interventions service in the borough, to support staff within generic services in the management of severe personality disordered patients who struggled to engage in specialist therapies, as well as working with the patients themselves to support with the management of clinical risk and where possible transfer into MBT treatment. Adele then took up the role of Complex Emotional Needs (CEN) Lead in the borough and redesigned the specialist personality disorder service into a full MBT programme. This involved adapting the service, including supervision structures, to bring it within the bounds of the MBT Quality Manual, and expanding the offer to include a variety of treatment options such as an adapted MBT Art psychotherapy group and the piloting of a shorter-term MBT group intervention. During her time in City and Hackney, the Trust was an early implementation site for the Community Mental Health Transformation Programme and she co-led the expansion of the CEN pathway across all the localities in the borough, which included rolling out Structured Clinical Management (SCM). She has now moved to Devon where she hopes to support the development and access to MBT across the county.
Evelyn McCabe – evelynmarymcc@gmail.com
Dr Evelyn McCabe MB MRCPsych is a Consultant Psychiatrist in General Adult Psychiatry/ Special Interest Psychotherapy. She works with HSE West, Ireland; Galway/Roscommon. In 2012 she developed and ran the first Mentalization Based Therapy treatment programme in the Republic of Ireland and has extensive experience in setting up and running MBT programmes and Mentalizing skills training. She developed and is clinical lead of a multidisciplinary MBT team embedded within her general adult psychiatry multidisciplinary team. This team delivers a Mentalization Based Therapy program for Borderline Personality Disorder, Attachment disorders and Psychiatric disorders co-morbid with Cluster B personality disorders in the West of Ireland. She trained in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy at the Irish Institute for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy/ Trinity College Dublin. Evelyn is Specialist psychotherapy tutor and educational supervisor at the Irish College of Psychiatrists National University of Ireland Galway Deanery. She is a psychiatry rotation trainee supervisor at the Irish College of General Practitioners. She is a tutor on the MSc in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Trinity College Dublin. She is an honorary senior clinical lecturer in psychiatry and psychotherapy at National University of Ireland, Galway. Evelyn trained in Basic and Advanced Mentalization Based Therapy at Anna Freud with Anthony Bateman and Peter Fonagy. She completed the course on Delivering Mentalizing Skills to Mental Health Practitioners at Anna Freud and is a Mentalizing skills trainer. She is an associate tutor with the Réseau Francophone TBM, actively involved in delivering MBT trainings through French in Geneva and Paris. She is an associate trainer on the basic training course in MBT run through Anna Freud and University College London, assisting at trainings in Dublin, Ireland.
Kirsty-Anne McEwan – Kirsty-anne.mcewan@nhs.scot; kirsty_annemcewan@yahoo.com
Kirsty-Anne McEwan is an experienced Adult Psychotherapist, Nurse therapist and MBT Supervisor working within in the psychotherapy field. She has been involved in supervising and implementing MBT services locally with adults with Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorders (EUPD) as well as eating disorders and children and adolescents. Kirsty-Anne is also experienced in the supervision of overseas clinicians to help embed and implement MBT Services. Her present role within the NHS covers the assessment and treatment of complex cases, including Tier 4 patients, treatment can include individual psychodynamic work or MBT. Kirsty-Anne has been involved in developing an adapted Mentalization Based Treatment Programme, ‘The HUB Day’, this is a 24-week group-only programme. Kirsty-Anne is the deputy lead of MBT Scotland and delivers MBT skills training in NHS Grampian and throughout Scotland. Kirsty-Anne also has a small psychotherapy practice.
Philip Minoudis – philip.minoudis@nhs.net
Philip is a consultant clinical psychologist and co-chair of the London Pathways Partnership, a consortium of 5 NHS Trusts delivering care to complex service users in the criminal justice system. He has a longstanding specialism in working with severe personality difficulties, across community, medium security and prison settings. He has an interest in research in this area, with several publications. He has experience of supervising MBT groups in the community in London for male and female service users.
Stuart Mitchell – stuart.mitchell@ntw.nhs.uk
Dr Stuart Mitchell is a HCPC registered Consultant Clinical Psychologist and Trust Lead for Personality Disorder in the Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust. He is a trained Clinical Psychologist, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist and DBT therapist. He trained in basic and advanced MBT with Anthony Bateman & Peter Fonagy in 2006/8 and in MBT skills with Anthony and Linda Treliving in 2012, and is an MBT trainer. Stuart has developed a PD Pathway in his Trust, and now is service lead for the Trust-wide PD Hub team. He has been practising MBT since 2006, including running full programme MBT, individual MBT and MBTi. He has been engaged in specialist supervision with Linda Treliving, and is supervising an MBT team of psychologists, nurses and OT’s.
Sara Morando – sara.morando@hotmail.com
Dr Sara Morando is a consultant psychiatrist leading a Personality Disorder Service in the NHS in East London since 2016. Prior to this, she was a consultant in eating disorders for 4 years. She specialises in the treatment of personality disorders, complex trauma and eating disorders. She trained in Mentalization Based Therapy (MBT) at supervisor level, MBT for families, EMDR for complex trauma, CBT, Interpersonal Psychotherapy, psychodynamic psychotherapy. In her NHS job she offers clinical and MBT supervision to her personality disorder team and to doctors in training; she offers MBT, EMDR and MBT for families to patient with personality disorders and complex trauma; she facilitates reflective practice groups for inpatient wards, training and consultation to inpatient and community psychiatric services for the management of personality disorders and complex presentations, psychotherapy training to psychiatry and GP trainees. She also works in private practice as a consultant psychiatrist and MBT supervisor. She has been practising MBT since 2008, when she completed her training as a practitioner, working with personality disorders and complex eating disorder patients. She has been supervising eating disorder teams and personality disorder teams since 2012, when she contributed to the adaptation of MBT to eating disorders during the NOURISHED study, led by Dr Paul Robinson. She is completing a PhD in Mental Health Sciences at UCL on mentalization and eating disorders, supervised by Prof Peter Fonagy and Dr Paul Robinson.
Anna Motz – apmotz@aol.com
Anna Motz is an HPC registered Clinical and Forensic Psychologist and an Adult Psychotherapist accredited by the British Psychoanalytic Council. She is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist in the Family Assessment and Safeguarding Service, Oxford where she runs The Lighthouse MBT-P, an MBT- P programme with Gerry Byrne. She is an Independent Consultant for the Institute of Mental Health and a Visiting Tutor at the Tavistock Clinic. She has run MBT groups with antisocial men with personality disorder in Oxford and is a supervisor in MBT ASPD for Anna Freud, as part of the RCT project funded by NOMS and led by Dr Jessica Yakeley and Professor Anthony Bateman, and supervises teams in Avon, Devon and Cornwall and Wales. She is also an MBT ASPD supervisor for teams in Dublin, who run these groups within the prison service.
Andrew Newman – andrewnewman@nhs.net
Dr Andrew Newman is a BPS Chartered, HCPC registered Clinical Psychologist and British Psychoanalytic Council (BPC) accredited practitioner of Mentalisation Based Treatment. He is the clinical lead for the local Mentalisation Based Treatment (MBT) service, based in Bristol, that runs in the National Probation Service (NPS). He supervises several MBT services around the country and has an interest in Adaptive Mentalization Based Integrative Treatment (AMBIT). Having trained in this approach and offered training locally to probation services as well as CAMHS, Social Services and Youth Justice Services across the Southwest of England. Dr Newman was also a MBT therapist in the multi-site randomised control trial into MBT for antisocial personality disorder, that was run within probation services.
Clare Ogden
Clare Ogden is a HCPC registered Clinical Psychologist who has worked in Adult Mental Health Services for 22years in Bristol. She qualified in 1990 and worked in NHS secondary mental health setting throughout. She has a special interest in working with people with complex trauma and emotional and developmental needs. She was lead Clinician for the MBT Service in Bristol since setting up a Full MBT Programme in 2016. Clare has worked clinically 1:1, co-facilitating the MBT group, supporting the team mentalising and developing the MBT service. The Bristol service has been supervised by Rory Bolton during this time. Clare is currently taking a career break but is a registered supervisor commencing November 2022.
Jon Patrick – jon.patrick2@nhs.scot
Dr Jon Patrick is a Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist. He has experience of setting up, delivering and supervising group and individual MBT and MBT-i in outpatient, inpatient and secure settings. He has previously led MBT Services in the Community and in Forensic Settings. Additionally, he has a major interest in training staff in MBT skills and using mentalizing principles to help psychologically inform clinical environments, including in prisons, hospitals and most recently the A+E department in Edinburgh. Jon is an MBT Trainer with Anna Freud and MBT Scotland.
Jo Ramsden – joanne.ramsden@nhs.net
Dr Jo Ramsden qualified as a clinical psychologist in 2002 and worked both in low and medium secure adult forensic units before moving to community work in Leeds Personality Disorder services in 2008. She is currently clinical lead for this cluster of specialist services and spends most of her clinical contact time working with people on probation in partnership with the criminal justice system. Her interest in MBT started when she led an MBT group as part of the national randomised controlled trial into MBT for men with anti-social personality disorder. Post trial, this group continues and Jo is now a supervisor. Jo is also working to embed an MBT informed frame as part of the overarching clinical model for Leeds Personality Disorder Services. Jo is a collaborator for the Power Threat Meaning framework (Johnstone & Boyle, 2018) and also in local plans to develop Leeds into a ‘trauma informed’ city. She believes that MBT provides a confident steer for those wanting to work in a ‘trauma informed’ way and has the capacity to harmonise eclectic theoretical and multidisciplinary approaches.
David Rawlinson – David.Rawlinson@cntw.nhs.uk
David Rawlinson is a Consultant Psychotherapist and Head of Berkshire Complex Needs Service in Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust. He is a Group Analyst and has 27 years’ experience working in the NHS with Personality Disorder in both day patient and outpatient settings. He leads a team of therapists working in an MBT programme for 80 patients and has practiced MBT in both group and individual settings. He holds an MSc in Group Analytic Psychotherapy and an MA in Psychoanalytic Consultation to Organisations. He has several publications in journals book chapters.
Mark Sampson – Mark.Sampson@merseycare.nhs.uk
Mark Sampson is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist. Until August 2023 he was clinical lead for the Community Mental Health Transformation and Clinical Lead for the Relational and Emotional Pathway for Mid Mersey (which is Part of Mersey Care). For the past 20 years Mark has specialized in working with people who have presented in ways/have needs that have been described in terms of Complex Emotional Needs/Personality Disorder. He has been involved in Local and National policy development for personality disorder. National work includes working for NICE as a guideline development group member on the borderline personality disorder guideline 2006 to 2009. Currently, Mark is part of a team working on the development of a currency model for NHSE for complex emotional needs 2022 to present. Mark has co-edited ‘Personality Disorder and Community Mental Health Teams’ (2006) and Structured Clinical Management an Implementation Guide (2021). Clinically, Mark is trained in Dialectical Behaviour Therapy, Mentalization Based Treatment (MBT) and Cognitive Analytic Therapy. He is a registered supervisor for MBT and Structured Clinical Management trainer and supervisor. Mark is a strong believer in co-production, co-governance and co-delivery of care. Mark has a new role in co-developing a psychological and trauma informed Community Enhance Rehabilitation Team for Mersey Care.
Jake Shaw – jake.shaw@nhs.net
Dr Jake Shaw is an HCPC registered Consultant Forensic Psychologist working for Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust. He has been practising MBT since 2010 and has experience of setting up, delivering and supervising group and individual MBT and MBTi programmes in a number of UK prisons, as well as delivering MBT in secure and community forensic mental health settings. His research interests have focused on the effectiveness of consultative and therapeutic services for forensic service users with personality disorder. He is currently on the trial steering committee for the national randomised controlled trial (RCT) into MBT for Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD). He was previously involved in establishing and evaluating the pilots of the community model of the current UK Offender Personality Disorder (OPD) Strategy. He has subsequently taken a lead role in the implementation and evaluation of a number of forensic personality disorder services. These include the Community OPD service alongside the National Probation Service (NPS) in London, setting up an AMBIT informed outreach and therapies service at HMYOI Aylesbury and more latterly working as Clinical and Strategic Lead of the Pathways Services within the Sheppey prisons in Kent. These services include two Psychologically Informed Planned Environment (PIPE) wings and a therapies and outreach service at HMP Swaleside, as well as a separate resettlement service at HMP Standford Hill.
Simon Shaw – Simon.Shaw@slam.nhs.uk
Simon Shaw is Team Leader for South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust’s Croydon Personality Disorder Service, based at the Touchstone Centre at Bethlem Royal Hospital. This provides intensive MBT treatment programmes for patients with severe borderline personality disorder, offering a full range of MBT groups and individual MBT, in addition to SUN project groups, which are open access crisis support and appraisal based coping skills groups for residents of the borough of Croydon.
Simon is also Principal Psychotherapist at Croydon Personality Disorder Service, providing clinical leadership to the team in the MBT programmes, as well as continuing to facilitate MBT groups and individual MBT sessions. Simon is also Lead for the Personality Disorder Pathway in Croydon, providing leadership across the pathway, working to provide integrated psychological services for patients with personality disorder in Croydon. He also chairs the Croydon Personality Disorder Single Point of Access meeting, which co-ordinates all referrals for specialist psychological treatment for personality disordered patients.
Simon has been a registered mental health nurse since 1997 and has experience working on the acute adult inpatient wards at the Maudsley Hospital. From 2003-2013 he worked as a psychotherapist at the Cawley Centre, a specialist personality disorder service based at the Maudsley Hospital, gaining extensive experience of individual and group therapy with people with personality disorders. During this time, he also completed the M1 training at the Tavistock Centre as a BPC-registered psychoanalytic psychotherapist.
In his current role, he is involved in the full range of individual and group MBT treatment at Touchstone Centre, as well as supervising MBT therapists. He has received MBT advanced training, MBT-F training, and MBT supervisors’ training, and is now an accredited MBT supervisor with Anna Freud.
Kate Sloan – kate.sloan@ggc.scot.nhs.uk
Kate currently works within the Personality Disorder Team in Glasgow where they deliver a psychodynamic service and MBT to a difficult to engage patient group who can struggle maintaining a tenancy, relationships and with various aspects of society. Alongside this she has a role in supporting the BPD pathway in Greater Glasgow and Clyde and the development of MBT services to increase access to treatment. They have a local training pathway for all mental health staff from mentalizing skills to working with MBT Scotland to increase MBT practitioners.
Emma Smith – emma.smith@spft.nhs.uk
Dr Emma Smith is a Chartered and HCPC Registered Clinical Psychologist. She worked with Professor Anthony Bateman when she was leading the Mentalisation-Based Treatment Team in Camden & Islington NHS Foundation Trust Personality Disorder Service and engaged in specialist supervision to become an MBT supervisor. Emma is currently working as a Consultant Psychologist in Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and has been supervising teams around the UK to develop their own MBT services and work towards MBT practitioner status.
Catherine Sunderland – catherine.sunderland@nhs.net
Cath Sunderland qualified as an RMN in 1997, following a BA hons in Sociology, and as a UKCP registered Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist (Arbours Association) in 2005. She has worked at Halliwick Personality Disorder Service since 2002 where she has delivered individual and group MBT to patients with borderline personality disorder and has participated in the research studies and the development of the Mentalisation-Based Therapy approach under the direction of Professor Anthony Bateman. Cath was the clinical lead for the day hospital part of the service between 2007-2011. Since 2013 she has been the Stream Lead in the service when it became newly configured as both a specialist MBT service and CMHT for borderline patients. Cath has supervised individuals and groups in MBT and delivers in-house training in MBT to clinicians in the service. Cath was a member of the Arbours Psychotherapy training committee between 2010-2014 and she taught sessions on self harm, borderline and narcissistic pathology as well as tutoring trainees and delivering group supervision.
Richard Taylor – richard.taylor2@lanarkshire.scot.nhs.uk
Dr Richard Taylor is a Consultant Psychiatrist in Medical Psychotherapy. He currently works as the Consultant lead of South Lanarkshire Psychotherapy Services. Richard was previously the Clinical Lead of the South Scotland Regional Eating Disorders Unit, Edinburgh. Richard is trained in group analytic practice with the IGA and individual psychodynamic psychotherapy. He is a national trainer and supervisor in Mentalisation Based Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder with Anna Freud, London and MBT Scotland. Richard is a trainer and supervisor in Dynamic Interpersonal Psychotherapy with Anna Freud. He is also a supervisor and trainer in Interpersonal Psychotherapy with IPT-UK.
Nicola Thomas – Nicola.Thomas2@wales.nhs.uk
Dr Nicola Thomas is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist Head of Adult Mental Health (AMH) Psychology (Acute and Community) Services in Hywel Dda University Heath Board, Wales. Having completed clinical training in 2006 she has worked consistently in AMH. She was the MBT clinical lead (2016-2022) for the Southwest Wales Site which was part of a large multi-site RCT of MBT for ASPD within the National Offender Personality Disorder Programme (OPDP). Her work progressed to developing a service for women with traits of borderline personality disorder in the NHS. She has experience in setting up, delivering, evaluating and managing services, including both individual and group MBT interventions. This has led to recent publication of research in the field of MBT/ASPD. She has experience in individual and group supervision. She continues to work in MBT community treatment services in the NHS.
Linda Treliving – lindatreliving@doctors.org.uk
Dr Treliving is a tutor and supervisor for MBT training at Anna Freud. She is a founder member of MBT Scotland.
Emily Turton – emilyturton@nhs.net
Emily Turton is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist who trained at the University of Surrey which has a focus on relationships, attachment and family-based interventions. Since qualifying she has worked in a number of settings including prison, inpatient community forensic services and adult community personality disorder services. She was a MBT therapist in the RCT for MBT for Antisocial Personality Disorder where she qualified as a MBT practitioner. She subsequently set up and supervised a community MBT service for women with forensic histories in London and qualified as a MBT supervisor. She regularly applies the mentalizing approach when providing clinical supervision and set up an AMBIT service on her inpatient ward. More recently she has moved to adult (non-forensic) services, working for the South London Partnership's complex care team to support clients with Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder. She currently supervises MBT groups in adult, older adult and forensic services.
Sue Wallace – smwpsychotherapy@outlook.com
Sue Wallace is a Group Analyst, MBT therapist and Supervisor based in Sunderland Tyne and Weir. Previously a member of the Homelessness and Personality Disorder Team in Glasgow for ten years, she maintains a special interest in borderline personality disorder. Although now living South of the Border Sue retains connections with MBT Scotland and hopes to continue to deliver MBT skills trainings with them.
Claire Watson – claire.watson2@nhs.scot
Claire Watson is as a nurse Therapist in the NHS Grampian psychotherapy department. She works with patients individually and runs MBT groups designed for individuals with borderline personality disorders. She has experience educating and supporting staff in the mentalising approach and enjoys this aspect of the work.
She trained as an RMN in 1998 and previously worked as an Advanced Clinical Nurse Specialist in the Substance misuse department in Aberdeen. During this time, she developed and co facilitated the MBT group for Addictions and offered MBT group supervision for staff within the addictions team. She is currently offering MBT supervision for a number of staff that are on the MBT training pathway.
Ross Watson – Ross.Watson3@wales.nhs.uk
Dr Ross Watson is a HCPC registered, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, working within Swansea Bay University Health Board (NHS) in South Wales. Having completed his clinical training in 2013, he worked within NHS adult community mental health services for three years before joining an NHS adult forensic low secure service. He continues to work within adult forensic and rehabilitation services (inpatient and community). He completed his basic MBT training in 2014 and then began working within the Southwest Wales MBT service, established that same year. This service was part of a large multi-site RCT of MBT for people with anti-social personality disorder, within the National Offender Personality Disorder Programme (OPDP). Continuing with his training in MBT, he completed the MBT practitioner level training in 2017 and then in 2021, completed training to become an MBT-ASPD Supervisor. He continues to provide MBT supervision, delivered within the Wales Offender Personality Disorder Pathway.
Andrea Williams – Andrea.williams@ggc.scot.nhs.uk
Dr Andy Williams is a Consultant Psychiatrist in Psychotherapy, dual trained in Medical Psychotherapy and General Adult Psychiatry. She trained with the Scottish Institute of Human Relations in Adult Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. She is Clinical Lead for the Personality Disorder and Homelessness Team within Greater Glasgow and Clyde and is a member of the MBT Scotland Core Group. She has experience setting up, delivering and supervising individual and group MBT and MBT-i, and has a particular interest in the delivery and evaluation of the MBT skills model for general psychiatric staff, including a research interest. She is chair of the Royal College of Psychiatrists in Scotland working group on personality disorders.
Emma Williamson – emma@aneemo.com
Dr Emma Williamson, Principal Clinical Psychologist and Clinical Lead, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust (SLaM) Psychology in Hostels Services. Since 2011 Emma has led multi-award winning MBT-informed ‘Psychologically Informed Environments’ and ‘Trauma-Informed Care’ initiatives across London – recognising that homelessness requires a cross-sector partnership approach that includes the health sector. Emma is an MBT Practitioner, Anna Freud accredited MBT trainer and completed her supervisors training with Dr Anthony Bateman in 2015. Since then, Emma has led initiatives to support third sector homeless organisations across central London to become MBT-informed and supervises a team of MBT trained Psychologists and Psychotherapists to apply the model in innovative settings as a coherent psychological framework for delivering ‘Psychologically Informed Environments’. Alongside her NHS role, Emma has developed www.aneemo.com state of the art online Learning Management System training for social care and voluntary sector staff working with complex needs groups. She teaches on the Clinical Psychology Doctorate at Kings College IOPPN, is a published author and national trainer and organisational consultant.
Clyde Wright – clyde.wright@aol.com Clyde Wright is a UKCP registered Systemic Psychotherapist and qualified RMN. Clyde has been practicing in MBT since 2010 and has experience in developing MBT services in several forensic contexts including prisons, probation, community hostels and community psychological therapies provision. Clyde was the clinical lead for the Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust trial site for the Mentalization for Offending Adult Males research study.
Clyde is currently a consultant lead at HMP Isis and the clinical lead for the PERS service in HMP Standford Hill. Clyde has worked within the Offender Personality Disorder services in prisons since 2016. Clyde also runs a private practice offering supervision and therapies including individual, family and couple work. Clyde has a special interests in delivering MBT within prisons and delivering MBT to couples and family systems.
Jessica Yakeley – JYakeley@tavi-port.nhs.uk
Jessica Yakeley is a Consultant Psychiatrist in Forensic Psychotherapy and Director of the Portman Clinic, and Director of Medical Education, Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust. She is also a Fellow of the British Psychoanalytic Society and Editor of the journal Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. Her particular fields of interest and research include antisocial personality disorder (ASPD), violence, paraphilias, risk, psychiatric training, and psychodynamic methods of teaching about the doctor patient relationship. She has published numerous peer-reviewed papers and chapters, and six books including the textbook The Oxford Specialist Handbook of Medical Psychotherapy and Learning About Emotions in Illness. She is Vice Chair of the Royal College of Psychiatrists Psychotherapy Faculty, Research Lead for the British Psychoanalytic Council, and Research Lead for the Royal College of Psychiatrists Medical Student Psychotherapy Scheme National Strategy, aimed at recruiting medical students into psychiatry from all medical schools in the UK. Between 2014 and 2020 she led the national development of MBT community treatment services based in the National Probation Service as part of a large multi-site RCT of MBT for ASPD within the National Offender Personality Disorder Programme.
Celeste Benetti – celeste.benetti@live.com.au
Celeste Benetti is a Clinical Psychologist in Melbourne, Australia. She is an accredited MBT Practitioner, Supervisor, and Trainer. She has supervised and coordinated Public Area Mental Health Service MBT Programs (MBT individual and MBT group) in Australia and internationally. She has also implemented MBT-A and MBT-F programs. Celeste has worked with young people and adults with complex trauma and borderline personality disorder and their families for over 15 years.
She is the Discipline Senior for Psychology for Peninsula Health’s Mental health and Wellbeing Services, supporting psychologists and delivering of therapeutic interventions across all ages and across inpatient, community and emergency settings.
In 2019 Celeste implemented the MBT Families and Carers Training and Support Programme (MBT-FACTS) through Alfred CYMHS as a delayed treatment Randomized Control Trial, and has presented qualitative research outcomes from the perspectives of young people at conferences.
Additionally, she works in private practice with adults, adolescents, parents, and families and provides MBT individual and group supervision. Celeste has experience in supervising clinicians who work in a range of settings including private practice, public area mental health services in Australia and internationally, private inpatient settings, and forensic treatment settings.
Michael Daubney – mfdaub@bigpond.net.au
Michael Daubney is a Child, Adolescent and Adult Psychiatrist with clinical interests in psychotherapy, trauma, infant mental health and adolescent inpatient and outpatient treatment. He is Medical Director of Specialist Teams CHQ HHS and the consultant psychiatrist to Brisbane north, Brisbane North and Caboolture Assertive Mobile Youth Outreach Services and the Day Program Brisbane North. He is the current Chair of the binational Committee Section of Psychotherapy (RANZCP), Queensland President of the Australian Association for Infant Mental Health (Inc.), an Accredited Mentalization Based Therapy supervisor with Anna Freud and is undertaking a Higher Research Degree at Griffith University developing an instrument assessing social emotional development in 3-year-olds. He is the supervisor of the junior and advanced Child and Adolescent Psychiatry trainees in psychodynamic psychotherapy, conducts supervision of other professionals including GPs and maintains a psychotherapy component in his private practice. He has been receiving psychotherapy supervision from Professor Bateman for a number of years.
Andrew MacKinnon – a.mackinnon@lifespancentre.com.au
Andrew completed his training as an Occupation Therapist at Curtin University (Perth) in 2001. Within Occupational Therapy Andrew specialised in mental health working in a variety of mental health settings in Perth, Melbourne and London. For 12 years Andrew managed and held senior clinical roles in specialist MBT services within the National Health Service (NHS) offering treatment and management of patients with a diagnosis of Emotionally Unstainable Personality Disorder. Alongside these roles within the NHS Andrew completed training as a Group Analyst at the Institute of Group Analysis (London) and maintains full membership of the IGA (London). Andrew is also a full member of the Australian Association of Group Psychotherapist (AAGP).
Andrew is currently living and practicing in Perth, Western Australia. Andrew is the therapy lead at a private psychiatric hospital, The Marian Centre, overseeing the therapy program which is largely group based and has a private practice at Lifespan Psychology Centre.
Andrew Mottram – andrew.mottram@easternhealth.org.au
Andrew Mottram is a senior clinical psychologist at Spectrum Personality Disorder Service, a specialist centre for adults with severe and complex personality disorders located in Melbourne, Australia. His work with Spectrum’s MBT Clinic includes the provision of long-term group and individual MBT treatment as well as MBT-specific supervision and training to clinicians from across the state of Victoria. His clinical work has been supervised by Professor Anthony Bateman for several years. Through Spectrum’s Complex Care Service Andrew also provides direct treatment and system-level consultation for teams around particularly complex clinical cases throughout the state. Andrew has worked with severe and complex personality disorder in a variety of public health settings since 2010, utilising various therapeutic modalities including DBT and ACT before focusing solely on MBT from 2016 onwards. He is passionate about MBT and the value it holds for both consumers and clinicians and is enthusiastic about its advancement in the Australian context.
Julian Nesci – Julian.Nesci@easternhealth.org.au
Dr Julian Nesci is a senior clinical psychologist working in Melbourne, Australia. As a clinical specialist with Spectrum, the state-wide service specialising in Personality Disorder and Complex Trauma, Julian works in both the MBT Clinic and Complex Care Service. Within the MBT Clinic, Julian provides individual and group treatment for adults with personality disorders, clinical supervision, training, and service development work. Spectrum’s MBT clinic has been supervised by Professor Anthony Bateman for a number of years. Julian is an Anna Freud accredited MBT practitioner and supervisor, and trainer. Within Spectrum’s Complex Care Service, Julian provides secondary consultation to systems, as well as primary treatment to consumers, often with an MBT-focus.
Prior to his clinical work with Spectrum, Julian has worked in both public and private sectors for over 10 years. This has included working with adults with severe eating disorders in inpatient and outpatient settings, adult inpatients, day programs for adults with BPD, and adolescents in custodial and community forensic settings.
Julian has presented at conferences and other forums on MBT and has been published in the areas of both borderline personality disorder, and eating disorders. He is eager to develop MBT-focused research, and to support the development and supervision of MBT practitioners within Australia.
Giulia Pace – Giulia.Pace@health.wa.gov.au
Dr Giulia Pace is an Italian Developmental Neuropsychiatrist with a background in psychodynamic psychotherapy and multigenerational family therapy. Giulia moved to Perth in Australia in 2010, where she has since been working as a Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist in inpatients and outpatients’ settings.
In 2015, Giulia began formal training in MBT and since 2016 she has been the Clinical Lead of Touchstone CAMHS, a specialized program for families and adolescents with emerging personality disorder, that offers a partial hospitalization MBT program.
Giulia offers individual, family and group MBT interventions and is involved in the delivery of MBT related teachings, trainings and supervisions both individually and in groups. Giulia has been conducting research on the application of MBT in day program settings with adolescents and families.
Giulia has undertaken trainings in the Lighthouse model and in AMBIT, both of which she tries to integrate in the work at Touchstone.
Giulia holds an active role in advocating for the needs of young people and families with an emerging personality disorder, being a member of the Western Australia Mental Health Subnetwork for Personality Disorders Steering Committee since 2018 and contributing to the development of WA Statewide Model of Care for Personality Disorders.
Alex Potter – alex.potter@easternhealth.org.au
Dr Alex Potter is a senior Clinical Psychologist working in Melbourne, Australia. Since 2018 Alex has worked at Spectrum, the Victorian state-wide service specialising in Personality Disorder and Complex Trauma. Spectrum has a dedicated MBT Clinic where Alex provides individual and group treatment for adults with personality disorders as well as providing clinical supervision and training in the MBT model. This clinical work has been supervised by Professor Anthony Bateman for a number of years. Alex also works within Spectrum’s Complex Care Service, providing secondary consultation to other Victorian health services, as well as long-term treatment to consumers who present with a high degree of complexity. Alex is an Anna Freud accredited MBT practitioner, supervisor, and trainer.
Prior to Spectrum, Alex worked in both the public and private sector. This has included working in inpatient forensic settings, private practice with adults, adolescents, parents, and families as well as working with children and adolescents in school settings. Alex is keen to help to develop MBT within Australia through research, training and supervision from an MBT perspective.
Lynn Priddis – lpriddis@westnet.com.au
Lynn has over 30 years’ experience working with infants, children, adolescents and their families in health, education, and private practice contexts. Lynn also has a solid work history in academia leading Clinical Psychology and Master of Infant Mental Health programmes where she introduced many postgraduate students to MBT. She is a partner at Lifespan Psychology practice https://www.lifespancentre.com.au/ where her team offer accredited training and supervision in MBT in Australia and where her private psychotherapy practice focuses on relationship issues, perinatal infant–early childhood mental health, family functioning, parenting, and parent-infant psychotherapy. Lynn began her training in MBT and Reflective Functioning in 2006 and received group supervision from Professor Bateman for several years from 2011. Lynn is part of an innovative team in Perth who are introducing MBT–Mediation to the field. Lynn currently provides consultation, training and supervision for many psychologists and IMH practitioners locally and internationally. Lynn plays a significant role in advocacy for infants and young families and is a past president of the Australian Association of Infant Mental Health (AAIMHI) and of the West Australian Branch of AAIMHI.
Daniel Riordan – Daniel.Riordan@health.nsw.gov.au
Dr Daniel Riordan is a consultant psychiatrist, psychotherapist and group analyst working in Sydney, Australia. He has worked in general adult, forensic and specialist psychotherapy services in the UK. He is currently working in the public and private sector in Sydney, Australia and has trained and is a supervisor in several evidence-based therapy interventions providing direct treatment, supervision, and organisational consultancy.
Matt Ruggiero – m.ruggiero@scienceofself.com.au
Dr Matt Ruggiero is a Counselling Psychologist in Perth, Australia. He is a director at Lifespan Psychology Centre, where he runs an MBT program for parents whose children are in care. Matt works clinically with children, adolescents, families, and adults. He supervises clinical teams implementing MBT across Australia and offers consultation for services that are developing and implementing MBT as a model of practice. Matt served as a member of a special consultation group to develop the Western Australian Model of Care for work with people experiencing personality disorder. Matt taught developmental psychology at Curtin University for many years and supported the implementation of FDV research at the University of Western Australia.
Margie Stuchbery – margiestuchbery@hotmail.com
Margie Stuchbery is a Clinical Psychologist with a diverse career spanning over 30 years in the field of perinatal and infant mental health (PIMH). Currently, she serves as the Director of Maternal Connections Psychology and the MBT Australia Group, where she is also an MBT supervisor and trainer. Based in Sydney, Australia, Margie provides adult psychotherapy in the private sector and has managed a family mental health service for a decade.
In addition to her clinical work, Margie lectures on infant mental health in a Master of Clinical Psychology program. She offers training, supervision, and consultation across Australia, focusing on Mentalization-Based Therapy (MBT) and PIMH. Margie has developed specialized training programs aimed at enhancing parental reflective functioning (PRF) and has created an MBT Group program for parents.
A passionate advocate for children and families, Margie holds committee roles in both the Australian Association for Infant Mental Health (AAIMH) and the Australian Psychological Society (APS). She is also an accredited Watch, Wait, and Wonder infant-parent therapist and is trained in the Parent Development Interview (PDI) and other attachment-related assessments.
Margie regularly shares her expertise at local conferences and through publications focused on mentalizing-related phenomena.
Liesbet Nijssens – Liesbet.nijssens@mbtbelgium.com
Liesbet Nijssens is a clinical psychologist and licensed psychodynamic psychotherapist in Belgium. She has experience in individual and group MBT and has been working in day hospital and intensive outpatient MBT programs for patients with borderline personality disorders at de Viersprong, a specialized treatment institute for personality disorders in the Netherlands. Currently, she is engaged in MBT-P, an adaptation of MBT for parents with personality disorders and their infants. She is also involved in research on parental reflective functioning at the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium. Liesbet is certified by Anna Freud as an international MBT practitioner, supervisor and trainer. She works for MBT the Netherlands and MBT Belgium, where she provides training and supervision in MBT, and supports treatment teams who are setting up MBT programs.
Geneviève Beaupré – genevieve.beaupre.ciussscn@ssss.gouv.qc.ca
Geneviève Beaupré is a social worker (M. Sc) and psychotherapist in Quebec City, Canada. Her practice is divided between private service delivery and a public specialized clinic for the treatment of severe personality disorders. She’s been practicing psychotherapy based on mentalization in groups and individually for almost 10 years. She contributed to the deployment of a mentalization-based psychotherapy program within a continuum of mental health services in which she provided training and supervision for TBM and GPM approaches. She collaborates with the RF-TBM team as part of a group of French-speaking supervisors.
Karin Ensink – Karin.Ensink@psy.ulaval.ca
Karin Ensink is a psychologist and professor of Psychology in Canada. She has set up MBT-TBM Canada, an organisation dedicated to facilitating MBT training, research and outcome studies. She is a clinician with more than 25 years of experience working with adults, adolescents and children with complex mental health problems involving trauma and personality disorders. She is a supervisor of MBT with adults, as well as MBT-Adolescent and MBT-Child. Her interest in MBT developed while working at Anna Freud in the late 90’s and completing her PhD at UCL with Peter Fonagy and Mary Target on the relationship between mentalizing and psychopathology. She has a developed a range of measures of mentalizing for patients and clinicians. She has published widely on intergenerational patterns of mentalizing and mentalizing as a resilience factor in the context of trauma and personality disorders. She is an author of Mentalization Based Treatment for Children.
Daniel Rochman – rochman@ualberta.ca
Daniel is a registered psychologist in Edmonton, Canada. His professional path began in Argentina, with a foundation in psychodynamic theory (Universidad Nacional de Rosario). He later conducted psychotherapy research on attachment-related emotions (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev), earning a doctoral degree. In Canada, at the University of Alberta (U of A), he completed postdoctoral training, and is currently providing supervision for trainees in Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology (since 2009). He has also provided continuing education courses in topics such as complex trauma, borderline personality and object relations theory.
In 2016, Daniel began training in mentalizing, culminating in supervisor status for both adolescent and adult MBT (2023-4). He actively collaborates with MBT-Canada to provide supervision and support the dissemination of MBT.
As a clinician, Daniel provides treatment at the eating disorders team (U of A Hospital). He specialises in anorexia, bulimia, personality disorders, substance abuse and complex trauma. He is an Assistant Clinical Professor with the Dept. of Psychiatry and an Adjunct Academic Colleague with the Faculty of Education.
Laurence Viau-Guay – laurence.viau-guay.ciussscn@ssss.gouv.qc.ca
Laurence Viau-Guay is a psychologist (D.Ps) in Quebec City, Canada. She works in a public specialized clinic for the treatment of severe personality disorders (Institut universitaire en santé mentale de Québec). She’s been practicing psychotherapy based on mentalization in groups and individually since 2012. She contributed to the deployment of a mentalization-based psychotherapy program within a continuum of mental health services in which she provided training and supervision for MBT and GPM approaches. She collaborates with the RF-TBM team as part of a group of French-speaking supervisors.
Matti Isosävi – matti.isosavi@iki.fi
Matti Isosävi is a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist in Helsinki, Finland. He led the first implementation or Mentalization-Based Treatment program in the country at the Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa. Matti works as a private practitioner of psychotherapy, training and supervising healthcare professionals. Currently his main interests lie in using qualitative methods to study the psychotherapeutic interaction, especially in MBT, and applying MBT in short term psychotherapy setting.
Dr Matti Keinänen – matti.keinanen@pp.fimnet.fi
Matti Keinänen, MD, PhD, is a senior lecturer in psychiatry in Turku University, a training and supervising psychotherapist and a psychotherapy educator in Finland. He has worked earlier as a chief psychiatrist in Finnish Student Service in Turku and is now working as a training and supervising psychotherapist and as a psychotherapy educator. After he carried out MBT training program with Anna Freud (in AF: led by Anthony Bateman, Peter Fonagy and Linda Treliving) he has done since 2009 MBT, mainly in individual mode. Matti Keinänen´s research work has focussed on the study of the influencing mechanisms of psychotherapy. His special interest has been the research on the psychotherapy of borderline personality disorder (BPD). He has published in this research area several articles in international peer reviewed scientific journals and the psychotherapy book titled Psychosemiosis as a Key to Body-Mind Continuum: The Reinforcement of Symbolization-Reflectiveness in Psychotherapy (Nova Science Publishers, New York). His recent book with his colleague about mentalizing in everyday life is Mieli meissä (the Mind in us; published in 2019 in Finnish). Matti Keinänen is a member of the national committee making Finnish practice guidelines for the treatment of patients with BPD. He has done with his colleague Jarno Tuominen the review of evidence of MBT and now MBT is graded at the best A-level in Finnish practice guidelines for the treatment of BPD. Matti Keinänen has with his colleague Jarno Tuominen been the main trainer of the first Finnish one-year official AF training of MBT practitioner level program (so done in cooperation with AF and professor Anthony Bateman). This MBT training program is carried out in 2021 -2022. The approved completion of the whole training program of participants leads to an accredited MBT-practitioner level qualification (AF and British Psychoanalytic Council).
Kristiina Kopra – kristiina.kopra@gmail.com
Kristiina Kopra is a consultant psychiatrist based in Helsinki, Finland. She has been actively involved in the implementation of the MBT treatment program within the Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa. Presently, she serves as a deputy chief psychiatrist, taking the helm of an MBT team operating in adult psychiatric outpatient clinics in Järvenpää and Hyvinkää.
Maija Vasala – maija.vasala@gmail.com
Maija Vasala (Master of Arts in Psychology) is a clinical psychologist serving as the MBT team leader at the Hyvinkää adult psychiatric outpatient clinic in Finland. In addition to her professional responsibilities, Maija is currently engaged in the integrative psychotherapist training programme at the University of Helsinki, where she anticipates her graduation in 2024. Maija is also active in teaching and supervision in the field of MBT. She is fluent in both Finnish and English.
Mario Speranza – mario.speranza@uvsq.fr
Pr. Mario Speranza is Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the University of Versailles, Head of the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the General Hospital of Versailles and Director of the Graduate School of Public Health of the Paris-Saclay University. He oversees the INSERM research team “Developmental Psychiatry and Trajectories” which is dedicated to the study of emerging personality disorders in children and adolescents, in particular borderline personality disorders.
With Martin Debbané, he co-founded (2016) the French speaking MBT Network (réseau francophone des thérapies basées sur la mentalization, RF-TBM) based at the University of Geneva. Mario Speranza and his team conduct trainings and supervisions in MBT (basic, practitioner, supervision, family, adolescents) for practitioners in Paris, Geneva, and other francophone countries. Pr Mario Speranza teaches, practices and supervises mentalization-based psychotherapy with adolescents and young adults.
Sebastian Euler – Sebastian.euler@usz.ch
PD Dr Sebastian Euler is a consultant psychiatrist and psychotherapist, deputy clinical director at the Department of Consultation Psychiatry and Psychosomatics at the University Hospital Zurich (Switzerland), and a Private Docent at the University of Zurich (UZH). He has delivered MBT to multidisciplinary teams, offering inpatient and outpatient treatments for personality, eating, and psychosomatic disorders. He has been a senior research fellow at the Research Department of Clinical, Educational, and Health Psychology, University College London (UK) and has published several studies on PD and other disorders. Sebastian is a trained and licensed psychodynamic psychotherapist, group psychotherapist, and specialist for psychosomatics and psychosocial medicine. Supervised by Anthony Bateman, he has been teaching, practicing and supervising MBT and MBT-G in Germany, Switzerland and Austria since 2012. He is an MBT trainer and supervisor and - together with Prof Svenja Taubner - he is chairing the ANFCCF associated German speaking association of MBT (MBT-DACH) and established an MBT training centre in Heidelberg (ge-mit.de).
Paolo Ambrosi – paolo.ambrosi@unipv.it
Paolo Ambrosi MD is a psychiatrist and a psychotherapist. Until 2008 he was a researcher in Psychiatry at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Pavia. Since 1980 he has been teaching in several university degree courses for several professions (Medicine, Psychology, Nursing, Psychiatric Rehabilitation Technician) and he is currently Adjunct Professor of General Psychopathology of the Master’s Course in Psychology, University of Pavia. From 2000 to 2008 he was Director of complex psychiatric units in a Public Health Company. He is author or co-author of 150 scientific publications on psychiatric topics, including both original works and official reports and papers at national and international conferences. He was trained in MBT in Milan, Italy, attending the basic and advance courses held by Anthony Bateman and Peter Fonagy. He supervised residents on psychodynamic and MBT-oriented therapies and took part in many supervision sessions held by Anthony Bateman or by other supervisors at AF. Finally, he works on the Adherence and Competence Scale and its Italian version, and he is a member and the vice-president of GIMBT (Italian MBT Group).
Davide Broglia – dadobroglia@gmail.com
Davide Broglia, M.D., is a psychiatrist and psychotherapist. He took a Research Doctorate in Biomedical Sciences and Neuroscience, focusing on High-functioning Autism and Severe Borderline and Antisocial Personality Disorders. Since 2011, he has been part of the International Roster of the British Psychoanalytic Council as an MBT psychotherapist. He is a SPI-IPA candidate. He has over 10 years’ experience of working with adolescents and adults with borderline personality disorder and their families in an MBT outpatient treatment service (CIRDIP, University of Pavia, Italy). He has held the position of Psychiatric Medical Assistant at Pavia ASST since 2013. He has contributed to the development of an MBT outreach service for young people with personality disorders in the rural areas of Oltrepo Pavese. Since September 2018, he has been Health Director for the National Health Service at Pavia prison. At the prison, he leads an MBT group for patients with borderline and anti-social personality disorders and supervises the work-team. He has a private practice in Pavia. Dr Broglia is a founding member of the GIMBT (Italian MBT group). He teaches on the “MBT: theory and clinical practice” Master’s degree course at the Cattolica del Sacro Cuore University in Milan.
Jee Yun Cappelletti – jeeyun.cappelletti@aulss6.veneto.it
Jee Yun Cappelletti, Neuropsychologist, Clinical Psychologist and Psychotherapist. Member of Forums of the Lacanian Field. She published on international scientific journal of neuroscience. She attended basic and practitioner MBT courses run by P.Fonagy and A. Bateman. Member of the Italian MBT Group (GIMBT) founded by Dr E. Caverzasi and attends supervision activities. She works in the Department of Psychiatry in Padua (AULSS6 VENETO - ITALY). Since 2014 she collaborates with W. Padoani and A. Frasson in a team of specialists for the treatment of severe personality disorders in implementation of the MBT programme.
The MBT team worked in collaboration with the Department of Psychology of the University of Padua and the Catholic University of Milan, researching control over treatment outcomes and process. The research and the trial were followed by symposia at national and international conferences.
Edgardo Caverzasi – Edgardo.caverzasi@gmail.com
Edgardo Caverzasi, Psychiatrist and IPA Psychoanalyst, is Associated Professor of Psychiatry at Department of Brain and Behavioural Sciences of the University of Pavia. He teaches and supervises residents on psychodynamic and MBT oriented therapies. He is Director of a NHS Clinic for PDs where a MBT programme has been developed for the assessment and treatment of BPDs. He was trained at Anna Freud where he attended basic and advanced MBT courses run by P. Fonagy and A. Bateman. In the past he organized MBT symposia at the University of Pavia and at other Italian institutions. He collaborates with the Swiss MBT group (M. Debanné, D. Ballanzin) and with other Italian MBT trained groups. In 2012/13 he organized two introductive courses for residents in psychiatry run by M. Humphry and R. Bolton in Pavia. In 2015 he organized a workshop on MBT in Pavia and in 2017 the 1st Italian Basic Level MBT Training in Milan led by A. Bateman, P. Fonagy and L. Treliving at the Catholic University of Milan. Recently, together with other colleagues who promote MBT in Italy, he co-founded the Italian MBT group (GiMBT).
Antonello Colli – antonello.colli@uniurb.it
Antonello Colli, IPA Psychoanalyst and Clinical Psychologist, Full Professor of Clinical Dynamic Psychology at the Department of Humanistic Studies at the University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”, Italy, and Director of the Clinical and Research Service of the University “Carlo Bo”. He is interested in the treatment of Personality Disorders, Eating disorders, in the management of therapeutic alliance ruptures and resolutions and empirical research on psychotherapy process. He first trained in MBT at Anna Freud in 2015, and he attended also courses on MBT for Eating Disorders. Has organized and presented MBT seminars to mental health professional, is one of the founder members of the GiMBT (Gruppo Italian MBT) and is supervisor in several mental health institutions.
Roberto Colombo – robertopietrantoniocolombo@gmail.com
Roberto Colombo, MD is a psychiatrist and psychotherapist. He works in the Italian NHS (ASST of Pavia, UO POltrepò) as clinical psychiatrist, with both inpatients and outpatients. He is a member of Società Italiana di Psichiatria (SIP) and a founding member of the Italian MBT group (GIMBT). He started his training in MBT in 2010, working in a clinic for Personality Disorders directed by professor Caverzasi (CIRDIP), and later he perfected his MBT skills at Anna Freud in London. He has more than a decade of experience in managing severe personality disorders using MBT. He has taught two courses in MBT Basic and collaborates with the University of Pavia in the training of resident doctors in psychotherapy.
Alberto Frasson – alberto.frasson@aulss6.veneto.it
Alberto Frasson qualified as Medical Doctor in 1999 and then specialised in psychiatry in 2004 at the University of Padua. He attended for six months the Marsha Linehan’s Behavioural Research and Therapy Clinic at the Washington University (Seattle) where participated in clinical and research activities on borderline personality disorder. He is a licensed psychodynamic psychotherapist trained at the Edmond Gillièron’s European Institute of Psychoanalytic Psychoterapy (I.R.E.P). Since 2010 he works in the Psychiatry Department of Camposampiero Hospital (Padua) where in 2014 started an MBT program for severe personality disorders in collaboration with W. Padoani e J.Y. Cappelletti. Clinical activity of the team is also associated with research activity in collaboration with the University of Padua and the Catholic University of Milan. In 2017 and 2019 he attended the MBT basic and practitioner level courses organized by Edgardo Caverzasi at the Catholic University of Milan and led by A. Bateman, P. Fonagy and L. Treliving. In 2021 attended the MBT Supervisor Training led by A. Bateman. As member of the Italian Group for MBT (GIMBT), he receives regular supervision on MBT.
Gian Maria Galeazzi – gianmaria.galeazzi@unimore.it
Gian Maria Galeazzi, MD, PhD is full professor of psychiatry at the Department of Biomedical, Metabolic and Neural Sciences at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy, and Director of the Department of Mental Health and Drug Abuse of the Reggio Emilia Health Trust, delivering public mental health services to a population of approximately 550.000. Gian is also director of a postgraduate specialist training program in psychiatry, where he teaches MBT principles in the context of the trainees’ curriculum and applies them in psychotherapy private practice. He first trained in MBT at Anna Freud in 2010, has organised and presented MBT seminars to mental health professionals, published research papers involving mentalization measures, and he is founder member, in 2017, of the GiMBT (Gruppo Italiano MBT).
Osmano Oasi – osmano.oasi@unicatt.it
Osmano Oasi, psychologist, psychotherapist and IPA psychoanalyst, is an Associate Professor of Psychodynamic Psychology at the Department and Faculty of Psychology, Catholic University of Sacred Heart in Milan (Italy). He is also the Director of the Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy Service at the same university. Within psychoanalytic studies, he was trained in MBT attending the basic and advance courses held by Anthony Bateman and Peter Fonagy. He took part in many supervision sessions held by Anthony Bateman or by other supervisors at AF. In his area of research, deficit of mentalization in severe mental disorders and AMBIT are his main subjects of interest. In 2020 as Scientific director he organized The MBT approach: Theory and Clinical Application MSc at the Catholic University of Sacred Heart in Milan (Italy) and in 2022 he was elected President of GIMBT (Italian MBT Group).
Walter Padoani – walter.padoani@aulss6.veneto.it | +39-339-3914262
Walter Padoani MD, PhD graduated in Medicine and Surgery on 3 November, 1993 from the University of Padua. On 14 December 1998 he obtained the Postgraduate Diploma in Psychiatry. Since then, he has been authorized to practice as a psychiatrist and psychotherapist. In the first half of 2002 he carried out research at the Department of Psychiatry of the University of British Columbia, Vancouver (CDN). On 3 March 2003, he obtained a Doctoral Diploma in Psychiatric Sciences at the University of Verona. He is a psychiatrist consultant in development cooperation projects in the field of Community Mental Health, an activity that has involved him in various missions in Africa (Somalia, Cameroon and Angola) between 2001 and 2015.
During his specialist and doctoral training, he carried out clinical and research activities at the Psychogeriatric Service, the Emotional Crisis Outpatient Clinic and the Suicidology Unit (WHO Collaborating Center for Training and Suicide Prevention) of the Psychiatric Clinic of the University of Padua. Since 2003 he works in the Public Psychiatric Services of Veneto Region, particularly from 2012 in the Psychiatry Department of Camposampiero (Padua), where in 2014 started an MBT program for severe personality disorders in collaboration with Dr J.Y. Cappelletti and Dr A. Frasson.
Clinical activity of the team is also associated with research purposes in collaboration with the University of Padua and the Catholic University of Milan. In 2017 and 2019 he attended the MBT basic and practitioner level courses of Anna Freud led by A. Bateman, P. Fonagy and L. Treliving and organized by Edgardo Caverzasi at the Catholic University of Milan. As member of the Italian Group for MBT (GIMBT), he receives regular supervision on MBT. Since 2018 he is a member of Working Group of Veneto Region for implementation of Percorso Diagnostico Terapeutico Assistenziale (PDTA-Diagnostic and Therapeutic Path of Care) addressed to borderline personality disorder.
Paco Prada – paco.prada@hcuge.ch
Professor Paco Prada is a psychiatrist and psychotherapist. He is leading the consultation-liaison and crisis intervention service at the Geneva University Hospital, Switzerland. He is professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Geneva since 2023. His clinical and research activities focus on personality disorders, suicidal crisis, psychiatric emergencies, and complex somato-psychiatric problems. With his team, he adapted MBT to a short crisis inpatient program for suicidal people. He is part of the French speaking MBT group and was among the firsts to implement MBT groups in French. As a pre- and postgraduate teacher, he deals with personality disorders, suicide management, psychodynamic psychotherapy and mentalisation based therapy.
Giulia Zelda De Vidovich – gianmaria.galeazzi@unimore.it
Giulia Zelda De Vidovich is a MD, Psychiatrist and Psychoanalyst (Società Psicoanalitica Italiana and International Psychoanalytical Society). She was trained at Anna Freud where she attended several training courses (MBT basic level, MBT advanced, MBT Practitioner, MBT for Adolescents, MBT for Eating Disorders, MBT for Self-Harm, MBT Supervisor). She attended a clinical and theoretical stage in Geneva under the supervision of D. Balanzin at the SMP, service medico-psychologique at the outpatient clinic for adolescents. She has been working with MBT since 2006, in an NHS Clinic for Pds directed by Prof. E. Caverzasi in Pavia and later in a NHS Neuropsychiatry Unit in Milan, developing MBT individual programs for adolescents. She specifically. works as consultant psychiatrist in an Intensive Outreach Treatment unit for adolescents with a severe psychopathology (e.g. high suicidal and self-harming risk) at Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico in Milan. This service provides psychiatric and psychotherapeutic treatment for adolescents with personality disorders, affective disorders and psychotic breakdowns. She co-founded the GIMBT Gruppo Italiano MBT in 2017. Since 2010 she has contributed to the development of a MBT network with the French speaking MBT group in Geneva and together with professor Caverzasi she has promoted the learning of MBT for residents in Italy. She has a private practice in Milan. She can provide supervisions in Italian, English and French.
María Cristina Gómez Álvarez – cgomez33@hotmail.com
Maria Cristina Gomez Alvarez, Ph.D. in Psychoanalysis, master’s degree in Group psychoanalysis and in Psychodynamic psychotherapy, has been working for the past 30 years with adolescents, adults, couples, and families in private practice and giving workshops and courses in universities and private institutions. She has lectured and published several papers and articles on mental health, severe personality disorders, psychoanalysis and MBT. She was trained on MBT according to Anna Freud’s certification guidelines and requirements and she is currently a member of the first official MBT supervision team in Mexico. She is co-founder and current President of Mentalizar México S.C. a team united by a common goal: the development, dissemination, and training of professionals in MBT official courses, both in Mexico and in Latin America. Mentalizar México is already member of the MBT Global Network and Federacion Iberoamericana de Mentalizacion (FIM). María Cristina is currently engaged in training and supervising mental health professionals in MBT.
Marcela Aguilar Mendoza – marcela.a.m@gmail.com
Marcela Aguilar Mendoza is psychotherapist and clinical psychologist, master´s degree in sexuality education and groups management, currently candidate to Ph. D. in Psychology. She has been trained as a clinician in Saint John of God Psychiatric Hospital in Zapopan where she worked as therapist and then as Head of the Psychology Department and Coordinator of the Clinical Psychology Residency. She is MBT practitioner in adults and currently a member of the first official MBT supervision team in Mexico. She is also MBT - C practitioner and is certified to use the Parent Development Interview (PDI) for research purposes. She is co-founder and currently CEO of Mentalizar México, a team that is devoted to disseminating MBT in México and Latin América and is already member of the MBT Global Network and Federacion Iberoamericana de Mentalizacion (FIM). Marcela is also a psychotherapist in private practice and is currently engaged in training and supervising mental health professionals in MBT. Her interests in research are sexual diversity, transgender youth and their parents, and reflective function as mediators to diminish minority stress impact in mental health.
The Netherlands
Dawn Bales – d.bales.MBT-E@outlook.com
Dawn Bales is a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist in the Netherlands. Dawn works since 2004 at the Viersprong (a Dutch treatment center offering specialized treatment for personality disorders) and lead the first implementation of Mentalization-Based Treatment in the Netherlands. This was the base of her PhD MBT: Quality in Mind. The Implementation of Mentalization-Based Treatment in the Netherlands. She was supervised by Prof. Anthony Bateman, and appointed as MBT trainer and supervisor in the Netherlands. She has had an active role in the development and implementation of multiple adaptations for new populations (i.e. MBT for adolescents (MBT-A), MBT Early, MBT for parents (MBT-P)) and currently works part-time as a clinician in a MBT-A program. Over the past nine (9) years, Dawn has set up the training and dissemination center MBT Netherlands (MBT NL). Together with Anthony Bateman and Joost Hutsebaut she initiated and developed a system for MBT quality assurance. Furthermore, she has an active role as MBT specialist in conducting a series of treatment studies at the Viersprong Institute for Studies on Personality Disorders (VISPD). She has been speaking (inter)nationally on both BPD as well as MBT since 2005 and shares her knowledge through her (inter)national publications.
New Zealand
Dave Carlyle – dave.carlyle@otago.ac.nz
Dave is a registered nurse who works as an MBT therapist in the MindSight programme in Christchurch, New Zealand. Dave is one of the anchor clinicians implementing MBT in NZ and has led in introducing best practice guidelines for BPD into the routine practice of a major mental health service. He first trained in MBT in 2006 with Prof.’s Anthony Bateman and Peter Fonagy as part of a research trial to replicate the UK comparison of MBT-OP against Structured Clinical Management (SCM). Additionally, Dave is a key member of the team that developed a 12-week explicit mentalization group (based on MBT-i) as an early intervention for people presenting with emotional dysregulation and self-harm that is not yet at the level of severity to involve secondary MH services.
Robin Farmar – Robin.Farmar@cdhb.health.nz
Robin is a registered mental health nurse with both Mental Health and Comprehensive Nursing qualifications, and almost 40 years’ experience in MH. She was an MBT Therapist in the MindSight programme in the Christchurch MH service, New Zealand for 10 years. She now supervises the current Mindsight team members. Robin has extensive experience in crisis work and has had a private counselling practice for many years. She regularly presents on MBT and BPD at nursing inservice and training days. (The MindSight Programme, with 8 p/t MBT therapists and a caseload of 40 clients, is the only full MBT treatment service in a public MH service outside Europe).
Robin is one of the anchor clinicians implementing MBT in NZ and has led the introduction of best practice guidelines for BPD into the routine practice of a major mental health service. She first trained in MBT was in 2006 with Prof.’s Anthony Bateman and Peter Fonagy as part of a research trial to replicate the UK comparison of MBT-OP against Structured Clinical Management (SCM). Robin is also a graduate of the Westmead Post-graduate Diploma in Adult Psychotherapy programme (which is a training in the Conversational Model of Psychotherapy – an approach closely aligned to MBT). Additionally, Robin was a key member of the team that developed a 12-week explicit early intervention programme based on MBT-i for people with emotional dysregulation and self-harm problems that are not yet at the diagnostic threshold for BPD.
Robert Green – Robert.Green@cdhb.health.nz
Robert Green, M. Psych. (Clin); PG Dipl. of Comm. (Appli. Comp.) is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist in the community mental health service of the Canterbury District Health Board in Christchurch, New Zealand. In addition to his Clinical Psychology training, he is also a graduate of the Westmead Post-graduate Diploma in Adult Psychotherapy programme. Robert is part of a core group of clinicians in Christchurch who have worked to introduce MBT into the routine practice of a major mental health service. His MBT training was in 2006 and 2009, when Prof.’s Anthony Bateman and Peter Fonagy trained MBT therapists for the MindSight Programme. Robert has supervised the MBT programme since 2009, as well as being an MBT Therapist in the MindSight Programme. This service provides MBT-OP for up to 40 clients as part of the routine practice of a major community mental health service, with 8 half-time MBT Therapists. In addition, the MindSight team provides frequent trainings in Structured Clinical Management for clinicians in the local MH service and related NGOs and have developed a 12-week early intervention based on MBT-i to assist people presenting with early emotional dysregulation and self-harm problems.
Mary O'Donoghue – MODpsychology@gmail.com
Mary O’Donoghue is a Clinical Psychologist in Otautahi/Christchurch, New Zealand. Mary first trained in MBT over 10 years ago while working with eating disorders. She has previously worked in the prison system where she recognised a need for a trauma-informed mentalising approach to working with these clients. Mary now supervises and coordinates the MBT programme for severe borderline personality disorder in Adult Mental Health Services. The MindSight programme is an 18-month intensive treatment involving weekly individual and group therapy, Structured Clinical Management, and family psychoeducation. Mary has clinical oversight of all aspects of the MindSight programme, and alongside her team teaches SCM and provides education to GP practices and other organisations on working with BPD. She has more recently been instrumental in implementing the MBT Families and Carers Training and Support Programme (MBT-FACTS) in partnership with the community. Mary also works in private practice with adults with complex trauma utilising the MBT model and provides MBT supervision to private clinicians.
Vali Maduro – valimaduro@gateno.net
Vali Maduro de Gateño, Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist and Analyst in Private Practice, Panama, Republic of Panama. For the past 20 years Vali has treated individuals, couples and families. She is part of the faculty of the International Psychotherapy Institute (IPI) in Washington, DC and Panama, also a co-founder of Centro Mentalizar Panama, where she trains and supervises mental Health professional in Mentalization-Based Therapy. She is one of two Spanish Speaking Master Trainers for the American Association of Suicidology where she trains Mental Health professionals to evaluate and treat patients at risk. Vali earned her B.S. in Psychology from Florida International University, her master’s in psychology from Miami Institute of Psychology, her Post Graduate Studies in Object Relations Theory and Therapy from the International Psychology Institute, her PhD from California Southern University and her Psychoanalyst certificate from the International Psychotherapy Institute (IPI).
Rogelio Moreno – rogeliomoreno@hotmail.com
Dr Rogelio Moreno completed his psychiatry training at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas in 2001. In 2002 he completed a fellowship in Consultation & Liason Psychiatry at the same college and obtained his certificate as a Psychodinamic Psychotherapist from the Houston-Galveston Psychoanalytic Institute. He is a supervisor at the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology program at Unversidad Santa Maria La Antigua in Panama. He has lectured on a variety of topics in several psychology and psychiatry congresses, conferences and courses at national and international levels. He has an interest in teaching and has a deep interest in mentalizing theory and practice and in neuroscience and its implications for clinical work. A particular area of interest for him is the psychology of corruption and he has lectured and has been interviewed by the media on this topic at national level. He works in private practice at Hospital Paitilla in Panama.
Mirek Boniecki – mirek.boniecki@gmail.com
Mirek Boniecki is a Group Analytic Psychotherapist and Clinical Lead for MBT at Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust. He has many years of experience working in the NHS across different teams and services, including psychotherapy, eating disorders, and personality disorders, as well as supervising clinical teams delivering MBT and SCM. He is a qualified supervisor through the Institute of Group Analysis and Anna Freud. He completed the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Programme at the NHS Leadership Academy and obtained an MSc Leadership in Healthcare. He is interested in co-production, organisational dynamics and how mentalising working systems can contribute to delivering person-centred and collaborative care. Mirek is happy to work in English and Polish.
Jordi Arévalo Ventura – psicologia@jordiarevalo.com | www.jordiarevalo.com
Jordi Arévalo is a Psychologist and Psychotherapist specializing in children, adolescents, and adults. He holds accreditations as a Mentalization-Based Treatment Practitioner and Supervisor, as a Transference-Focused Psychotherapist and as a Cognitive Analytic Psychotherapist. He also has a European Certificate in Psychotherapy. He has worked in various hospitals, including Acute Units, Day Hospitals, Outpatient Units, and Drug Addiction Therapeutic Communities in both Barcelona and London. Additionally, he is involved in university teaching, lecturing on topics such as personality disorders and community mental health. His research focuses on the correlation between reflective function and symptomatology improvement in patients with severe personality disorders. He has also collaborated on the validation of a questionnaire to measure the experience of emptiness. Furthermore, he supervises mental health professionals, teams and institutions, and collaborates with Doctors Without Borders.
Glória Mateu i Vives – gmateu@xtec.cat
Glória Mateu i Vives (PhD) qualified as Psychoanalytic psychotherapist both individual and group. She initially qualified first as teacher (nursery, primary and secondary school), educational psychotherapist and since 1987 as Psychoanalytic psychotherapist and consultant. Clinical Associate at Tavistock Centre and visitor member at Anna Freud. Working both at public and private sector. EFPP Former European adults delegate Member. Member of FEAP and GASI. Up to 2008 she developed an interest in the treatment of personality disorder, and she started to develop an MBT outpatients treatment service for people with personality disorder at Sant Pere Claver- Fundació Sanitària. Her interests are MBT-BDP, elderly people and groups and the fusion, integration and coherence between educational settings and mental health services.
Pedro Sanz – pedro.sanz@outlook.es
Pedro Sanz is Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist. He works in Madrid at Hospital 12 de Octubre (NHS) where he leads the Multiprofessional Teaching Unit of Psychiatry and Mental Health. His clinical work is at the Serious Mental Disorders Unit, where he coordinates the Program of Personality Disorders. Member of Madrid IPA Institute of psychoanalysis (APM). He was trained at Anna Freud on MBT and coordinated the first official MBT supervision team in Spain, supervised by Martin Humphrey and Linda Treliving. Since then, he has collaborated by disseminating MBT in Spain, through several introductory courses, workshops, supervision and collaborating as local organizer in MBT official courses in Madrid. He has participated in the foundation of the Sociedad Española de MBT (SETBM) and the Federación iberoamericana de mentalizacion (FIM). Now he is working on MBT adaptations with psychosis.
Nuria Tur – nuria.tur@gmail.com
Dra. Nuria Tur Salamanca is a psychiatrist, Head of the Child an Adolescent Mental Health Unit at Hospital Clínico “San Carlos” (NHS) in Madrid. She is also Psychotherapist, member of Madrid IPA Institute of psychoanalysis. She teaches and supervises medical students at Universidad Complutense in Madrid and leads the Psychotherapy Training Unit for mental health residents. She was trained at Anna Freud on MBT and is a member of the first official MBT supervision team in Spain. Trained as well in MBT child and adolescents, she has supervised the translation to Spanish language of Bateman & Fonagy’s MBT-BPD and Midgley et al´s MBT-C Manuals. She has co-founded de Spanish Society for MBT (SETBM) and Federacion Iberoamericana de Mentalizacion (FIM). She collaborates spreading MBT in Spain, through several introductory courses, workshops and supervision. She has special interest in applying evidence based psychotherapeutic treatments to public mental health services.
Deborah Badoud – deborah@badoud.net
Deborah Badoud is a psychotherapist, doctor in psychology, specialized in Mentalizing-Based Treatment (MBT). She currently works in private practice with pre-adolescent, adolescent and adult patients. After a Ph.D. studying mentalizing in the context of borderline personality disorder in adolescents and young adults, under the supervision of Prof. Martin Debbané, she was a lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Geneva (Switzerland). In parallel, she participated in the development of MBT for ADHD with Prof. Nader Perroud and his team, at the University Hospital of Geneva. She then lead a therapeutic home for youths with chronic and severe behavioural problems for the Department of Education of the State of Geneva, where she and her team developed a care concept based on the principles of MBT. As an accredited supervisor for MBT, she is involved in the clinical and research activities of the French speaking MBT network (Réseau Francophone des Thérapies Basées sur la Mentalization, RF-TBM) and actively contributes to the training of French speaking practitioners in Switzerland and France.
Dario Balanzin – dbalanzin@bluewin.ch
Dario Balanzin, MD Child and adolescent psychiatrist and therapist FMH (Federatio Medicorum Helveticorum) is a trained and licensed child and adolescent psychiatrist and psychodynamic psychotherapist of the Swiss Medical Federation FMH (Foederatio Medicorum Helveticorum), and candidate of the Swiss Psychanalitic Society. Since 2000 he has worked at the HUG Hopitaux Universitaires de Geneve-Switzerland and since 2006 as Chief of sector at the SMP Service medico-psychologique at the adolescents out-patient consultation with Prof. Stephan Eliez in Geneva. This service provides psychiatric and psychotherapeutic treatment for child and adolescent and Personality Disorder traits for the Geneva Canton. He has attended many MBT courses (MBT-Basic, MBT-Adolescents, MBT-Eating disorders, MBT-Family, AMBIT and MBT-self harm). Since 2009, he has participated as therapist in the development of the Mentalization-Based Therapy program (MBT) with adolescents with Professor Martin Debbane from the University of Geneva. He contributed to the development of a network with a MBT oriented Center for the treatment of BPD at the University of Pavia (Italy) with Prof. Edgardo Caverzasi, where they organized many MBT symposia in partnership with the University of Geneva. Dario and Edgardo Caverzasi organized an MBT introduction workshop in 2015 in Milano and in 2017 Palermo-Italy. In 2017 they founded with other colleagues the GIMBT: Gruppo Italiano MBT. Dario is currently working in his private practice in Lugano-Switzerland and collaborating with Edgardo Caverzasi in the development of GIMBT. In November 2017 they organized the first MBT basic course in Milano with Professor Peter Fonagy and Professor Antony Bateman.
Jallal Benmiloud – Jallal.benmiloud@etat.ge.ch
Jallal is psychologist and psychotherapist in Switzerland. After getting a license in psychology then a Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) in University of Geneva, he trained as a therapist in psychoanalytical psychotherapy in Switzerland and obtained his title from the Fédération Suisse des Psychologues (FSP) in 2018. At the same time, he became interested in and trained in different group therapeutic approaches (psychodrama group, Photo-language method, analytical group work). His adventure with MBT began in 2011. Since then, he has sought to "maintain the process" by obtaining his accreditation of practitioner in 2018 and of supervisor in 2022. For more than ten years, he has worked at the Office médico-pédagogique (OMP), a state service of the Department of Public Instruction, and carries out various work concerning the care for children, adolescents and their families. He also contributes to the training of therapists and specialized teachers and educators within the OMP. Member of the French speaking MBT network Geneva (réseau francophone des thérapies basées sur la mentalisation - RF-TBM), he actively contributes to the training of French speaking practitioners in Switzerland and France.
Pablo Hugo Cascone – pablo.cascone@unige.ch
Pablo Cascone is a PhD psychotherapist. After getting his license in psychology in Argentina in 1996, he finished his PhD in clinical psychology at the University of Geneva in 2007. During the same time, he trained as a therapist in psychoanalytical psychotherapy in Switzerland and obtained his title from the Fédération Suisse des Psychologues (FSP) in 2011. He got trained as well in adult psychotherapy at the University of Geneva in 2007 and in MBT at Anna Freud and at the University of Geneva between 2011 until today. He became an MBT practitioner in 2018 and MBT supervisor in 2022.
He is currently working as a psychotherapist at the Office Médico-Pédagogique (OMP) in Geneva, doing clinical assessments, psychotherapies and supervisions. He gives lessons in clinical psychology at the University de Genève. As an accredited supervisor for MBT, he is involved in the clinical and research activities of the French speaking MBT network (Réseau Francophone des Thérapies Basées sur la Mentalization, RF-TBM) and actively contributes to the training of French speaking practitioners in Switzerland and France. He has a private practice (in French and Spanish), focusing on MBT-treatments with adolescents and adults (supervision, individual psychotherapy, couple psychotherapy, parental guidance).
Martin Debbané – Martin.Debbane@unige.ch
Prof. Martin Debbané is Professor of Psychopathology at the Research Department of Clinical, Educational, and Health Psychology, University College London (UK), and at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Geneva (Switzerland). With Mario Speranza, he co-founded (2016) the French speaking MBT Network (réseau francophone des thérapies basées sur la mentalization, RF-TBM) based at the University of Geneva. Martin Debbané and his team conduct training and supervision in MBT (basic, practitioner, supervision, family, adolescents) for practitioners in Geneva, Paris, and other francophone countries globally. His research involves a number of longitudinal projects following youth cohorts with clinical risk (schizotypy, borderline, ADHD, antisocial traits) for severe psychopathology. He is a trained and licensed psychodynamic psychotherapist. He acts as associate and trainer in mentalization-based therapies at Anna Freud in London. He teaches, practices and supervises mentalization-based psychotherapy with adolescent and adult patients.
Sebastian Euler – Sebastian.euler@usz.ch
PD Dr Sebastian Euler is a consultant psychiatrist and psychotherapist, deputy clinical director at the Department of Consultation Psychiatry and Psychosomatics at the University Hospital Zurich (Switzerland), and a Private Docent at the University of Zurich (UZH). He has delivered MBT to multidisciplinary teams, offering inpatient and outpatient treatments for personality, eating, and psychosomatic disorders. He has been a senior research fellow at the Research Department of Clinical, Educational, and Health Psychology, University College London (UK) and has published several studies on PD and other disorders. Sebastian is a trained and licensed psychodynamic psychotherapist, group psychotherapist, and specialist for psychosomatics and psychosocial medicine. Supervised by Anthony Bateman, he has been teaching, practicing and supervising MBT and MBT-G in Germany, Switzerland and Austria since 2012. He is an MBT trainer and supervisor and - together with Prof Svenja Taubner - he is chairing the ANFCCF associated German speaking association of MBT (MBT-DACH) and established an MBT training centre in Heidelberg (ge-mit.de).
Nader Perroud – nader.perroud@hcuge.ch
Nader Perroud is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Geneva, Switzerland in the Department of Psychiatry, and Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of Dalhousie University (Halifax, Canada). Nader studied medicine at the University of Geneva, then pursued training in psychiatry and psychotherapy. He obtained his MD in 2006 and then started his training in psychiatry and psychotherapy. He obtained his FMH (Federatio Medicorum Helveticorum) specialist title as psychiatrist and psychotherapist in 2008. He is particularly interested in psychiatric pathologies characterized by difficulties in managing emotions, and took responsibility for the Emotional Regulation Disorders Unit (TRE Unit) at the University Hospitals of Geneva (HUG) in 2017. His clinical skills focus on caring for patients with difficulty in managing emotions, including those with borderline personality disorder or attention-deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Among other things, he participated in the implementation, in the French-speaking world, of specific psychotherapeutic approaches for borderline personality disorder, including dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) and, with Professor Martin Debbané, mentalization-based treatment (MBT). Nader Perroud focuses his research on borderline personality disorder as well as on ADHD and on the mechanisms involved in the regulation of emotions. His latest work has been oriented towards a better understanding of the psychotherapeutic factors favouring a better regulation of emotions.
Mario Speranza – mario.speranza@uvsq.fr
Pr. Mario Speranza is Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the University of Versailles, Head of the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the General Hospital of Versailles and Director of the Graduate School of Public Health of the Paris-Saclay University. He oversees the INSERM research team “Developmental Psychiatry and Trajectories” which is dedicated to the study of emerging personality disorders in children and adolescents, in particular borderline personality disorders.
With Martin Debbané, he co-founded (2016) the French speaking MBT Network (réseau francophone des thérapies basées sur la mentalization, RF-TBM) based at the University of Geneva. Mario Speranza and his team conduct trainings and supervisions in MBT (basic, practitioner, supervision, family, adolescents) for practitioners in Paris, Geneva, and other francophone countries. Pr Mario Speranza teaches, practices and supervises mentalization-based psychotherapy with adolescents and young adults.
Clara Bookless – cbookless@internode.on.net
Dr Clara Bookless is a psychoanalyst and psychologist with a particular interest in the early prevention of mental health disorders. She worked for 25 years teaching and researching in University Departments of Psychiatry before taking the role of Senior Consultant Psychologist engaged in the development and clinical support of a State-wide Early Intervention and Home Visiting Programme. Clara is particularly interested in infant mental health, the impact of traumatic experiences on child development and adult mental health and the personal meaning of mental disorder in the recovery process. Clara maintains a private psychotherapy practice. She also works as a clinical consultant to agencies and clinicians providing adult psychotherapy, child protection and child - parent psychotherapy. Clara supervises the therapeutic work of a range of clinicians and psychotherapy trainees across a number of government services and private practice.
Natalie Brooks - nbrooksmft@gmail.com
Natalie Brooks, M.A., LMFT is a psychotherapist in private practice in southern California. She completed her undergraduate and graduate degree studies in Psychology at the University of Southern California. Natalie was trained in MBT by Peter Fonagy, Anthony Bateman, and Trudie Rossouw and supervised in MBT by Robin Kissell, MD. Between 2008- 2016, Natalie was on clinical staff at UCLA Semel Neuropsychiatric Institute’s Student Behavioral Health Services where she found a passion for MBT after attending her first training in 2009. She played a vital role in developing the outpatient Mentalization Based Treatment program for UCLA students with borderline personality disorder. In addition to private practice, Natalie enjoys sharing her enthusiasm for MBT as the Mentalizing Initiative’s program manager and supervising clinicians in MBT
Lois Choi-Kain – lchoikain@partners.org
Lois W. Choi-Kain, MEd, MD, is an assistant professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and the director Gunderson Personality Disorder Institute, formerly knowns as the Adult Borderline Centre and Training Institute. In 2009, she developed the Gunderson Residence, an intensive, specialized residential program for adult women with severe personality disorders which uniquely integrates multiple evidence-based treatments for borderline personality disorder (BPD) in a rigorous and scientifically informed way. Dr Choi-Kain also founded the BPD Training Institute in 2013, a centre for proliferating evidence-based treatments for severe personality disorders, including Mentalization-Based Treatment (MBT), Transference Focused Psychotherapy (TFP), Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (DBT-PTSD), and General Psychiatric Management (GPM). Lois's research focuses on personality disorders, attachment, mentalization, psychotherapy, and accessibility and implementation of care.
Shauna Dowden – shaunadowden@gmail.com
Shauna Dowden, Ph.D. is currently an attending psychologist for the Pavilion at McLean Hospital. She has previously worked within the McLean MBT Clinic and Gunderson Outpatient Program as a senior MBT Supervisor within the BPD Training Institute at McLean Hospital. She maintains a full-time private practice, specializing in chronic suicidality, depression, anxiety, and trauma, as well as serious mental illness (bipolar illness, psychotic disorders). She completed intensive DBT training with Marsha Linehan in 2002, MBT training beginning in 2010, Transference Focused Therapy in 2016-2017. She has employed these therapy modalities across treatment settings. She is an Instructor in Psychology at Harvard Medical School, supervising psychology interns and psychiatry residents in CBT, DBT, and MBT treatments. In 2020, she completed a degree in Theology and Ministry at Boston College with a focus on spirituality and trauma. She has also been engaged in contemplative practices (meditation, mindfulness) for over thirty years, studying Buddhist psychology, as well as Christian, Sufi, and Hindu theologies.
Robert Drozek – rdrozek@mclean.harvard.edu
Robert P. Drozek, LICSW, is an individual and group psychotherapist at McLean Hospital, specializing in the treatment of personality disorders, trauma and dissociative disorders, and addiction. He is clinical director of the Mentalization-Based Treatment (MBT) Clinic at McLean, and a teaching associate in the Department of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. Originally trained in MBT in 2010, Bob currently serves as faculty in the basic and practitioner level MBT trainings offered annually through Anna Freud and McLean’s Gunderson Personality Disorders Institute. He is co-developer (with Brandon T. Unruh and Anthony W. Bateman) of MBT for Narcissism. He has published on using MBT to address the problem of law enforcement violence, and he has developed the domain-based theory of mentalization, a streamlined heuristic to simplify the teaching and practice of MBT. Bob is author of Psychoanalysis as an Ethical Process and co-author of Mentalization-based Treatment for Pathological Narcissism: A Handbook. His next book – Mentalization: Utilizing Reflection to Heal from Borderline Personality Disorder, forthcoming from Oxford University Press – will be the first published workbook on MBT, translating MBT's therapeutic strategies for use by patients and families affected by borderline personality disorder.
Barbara Farris – mbtsarasota@gmail.com
Barbara Farris is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker providing individual and group psychotherapy to adults in her private practice in Sarasota, Florida. She is a Certified Addictions Professional (International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium) and a Qualified Clinical Supervisor for the State of Florida. She received supervision and extensive clinical training for over a decade from Dr Ralph Klein, M.D., (past clinical director, Masterson Institute to 2002, New York). This developmental/object relations training provides the foundation of her clinical practice. She is an accredited Mentalization-Based Therapy Supervisor. She received her MBT training through Harvard Medical School/McLean Hospital under the direction of Anna Freud with Dr Peter Fonagy and Dr Anthony Bateman. Barbara Farris received her MBT supervision and training under the mentorship of Dr Brandon Unruh, M.D., Director of the MBT Training Clinic, Assistant Medical Director, Gunderson Residence, Assistant Director, Borderline Personality Training Institute, McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School. In addition, Barbara Farris has received extensive training in Co-Occurring Disorders through Hazelden/Dartmouth Psychiatric Research Center and Foundational Training in Dialectical Behavior Therapy. She has experience providing individual and group treatment in a wide variety of settings. This includes Sarasota Memorial Hospital’s Bayside Center for Behavioral Health inpatient, outpatient and partial hospital units and Missouri Rehabilitation Center for Traumatic Brain and Spinal Cord Injuries. Barbara Farris currently provides MBT individual and group therapy in her private practice.
Robin Kissell – rkissell@ucla.edu
Robin Kissell, M.D. is Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine and a Training and Supervising Psychoanalyst at the New Center for Psychoanalysis in Los Angeles. Between 2005 and 2016 she was director of the Borderline Personality Disorder Initiative, a residency-training clinic founded on MBT and designed after the original day-hospital program at Halliwick Unit. Currently she is Director of The Mentalizing Initiative, a non-profit organization offering training to community-based clinicians in MBT and other treatments for those with personality disorders known to enhance mentalizing. She was trained in MBT by Peter Fonagy, Anthony Bateman and Trudie Rossouw and supervised in MBT by Anthony Bateman. In addition to keeping a busy private practice, she supervises clinicians in MBT, teaches the core-curriculum on personality disorders to psychiatry trainees, consults to clinical teams and research projects implementing MBT and speaks frequently at conferences on personality and personality disorders.
Daniel Kupper – daniel.kupper@roadrunner.com
Daniel A. Kupper, PhD is Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences at the University of California at Los Angeles where he supervises and teaches residents about psychodynamic approaches to personality disorders. He was trained in MBT by Peter Fonagy, Anthony Bateman, and Trudie Roussow, and was supervised by Anthony Bateman. He is an accredited MBT Tutor (Los Angeles Training Center) and practitioner and served as Senior MBT Psychotherapist and Supervisor at UCLA’s Borderline Personality Initiative. He maintains an active independent practice, consults with treatment teams setting up MBT programs, supervises clinicians engaged in MBT training, and teaches seminars on MBT to psychology graduate students and clinician groups.
Owen Muir – owen@fermata.health
Owen Muir M.D, DFAACAP is a child, adolescent, and adult psychiatrist. Owen is the medical director of Brooklyn Minds, A private group mental health practice in Brooklyn, New York. He also holds an appointment at Rockland Children’s Psychiatric Centre, a state hospital in the New York State Office of Mental Health system. His undergraduate education at Amherst College in Massachusetts and received his medical doctorate at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry. He completed adult psychiatry residency training at the Hofstra – Northwell School of Medicine Program in general psychiatry at the Zucker Hillside Hospital, and his child and adolescent psychiatry fellowship at the NYU School of Medicine/Bellevue Hospital. He currently has a faculty appointment as a clinical assistant professor of medicine at the Baylor College of Medicine, and has previously held appointments at NYU and Hofstra-Northwell SOM. As an MBT supervisor, he has performed extended MBT trainings in the novel settings including the children’s state hospital, A school for one on one education, and the Ellenhorn PACT team (with Carlene Macmillan). He has over 30 publications, presentations and other academic activities related to disseminating MBT. His research interests are in finding novel ways to assess mentalizing and clinical research into adaptations for children and adolescents, as well as exploring the role of deep transcranial magnetic stimulation in mentalizing.
Brandon Unruh, MD, is an Instructor in Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and the medical director of the Gunderson Residence of McLean Hospital, a specialized residential program for individuals with severe personality disorders. He is also the founding director of McLean’s outpatient Mentalization-Based Treatment clinic for personality disorders. His clinical approach is anchored in the integration of evidence-based treatments for personality disorder such as dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), mentalization-based treatment (MBT), transference-focused psychotherapy (TFP), and general psychiatric management (GPM). He is an MBT trainer and supervisor through Anna Freud in London, and one of the original cohort of GPM trainers established by John Gunderson.
He has published on a variety of topics including suicide, personality disorders, medical ethics, general hospital psychiatry, and literature and medicine. He is co-investigator with Mary Zanarini on a randomized controlled trial studying an MBT group intervention developed to promote flourishing and character virtues in individuals with borderline personality disorder. His academic interests also include the treatment of pathological narcissism, and the relationships between mental health and spirituality and religiosity in both pathological and healthy forms. He is a co-developer of Mentalization-Based Treatment for Pathological Narcissism (MBT-N) along with Robert Drozek and Anthony Bateman, with whom he co-authored the treatment manual Mentalization-Based Treatment for Pathological Narcissism: A Practical Guide (Oxford, 2023) and with whom he regularly teaches and supervises clinicians and systems implementing this model. He co- edited Borderline Personality Disorder: A Case-Based Approach (Springer, 2018), a generalist guide for clinicians learning to manage BPD.