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AMBIT Multi-Team Training

AMBIT (Adaptive Mentalization Based Integrative Treatment) is a mentalization-based approach for teams and systems working with people who have multiple needs.

About this training

AMBIT is used by teams who work in contexts characterised by complexity, high-stress and risk and who work with people of any age who may have reasons to find it difficult to trust in helping services. It is used in UK and around the world by teams working in a range of health, social care, justice, education, and community settings.

AMBIT consists of principles and practices that apply mentalizing to:

  • Direct work with clients;

  • How we function and support one another in teams;

  • How we integrate and make sense of complex helping networks;

  • How teams and systems can maintain a culture of learning and adaptation.

This multi-team training is ideal for small teams, or for individuals who are new starters in existing AMBIT-influenced teams. You will join other small teams in a training with a total group size of up to 25 people. This is a cost-effective training option for smaller teams. If you are a team of 16 or more people, it is equally cost-effective to commission a bespoke training (see below).

In addition to the training fee of £500 per person, each team attending the training will be invoiced for a minimum of 6 hours of post-training supervision and implementation support, priced at £1200 for 6 hours or £2100 for 12 hours.

Who is this training for?

The training is suitable for people from a range of different professional backgrounds who work within helping services in health, social care, justice, education, and community settings. This multi-team course is suitable for small teams of up to 15 people (larger teams are better served by commissioning a bespoke training, see below). Previous knowledge about mentalizing approaches is not required.

This training is also suitable for individuals or groups who are new starters in teams that have already been trained in AMBIT. AMBIT is a whole-team or whole-system approach and for this reason is otherwise not suitable for individuals.

Liz Cracknell

Liz Cracknell

Joint Programme Director

I am the joint Programme Lead for AMBIT at Anna Freud. As a Mental Health Nurse and Systemic Practitioner, I have specialised in work with young people with multiple, risky problems in both outreach and secure settings, utilising the AMBIT approach. I have contributed to a number of key publications and the development of AMBIT, and have trained and consulted with hundreds of workers in AMBIT in the UK and internationally.

Dr Laura Talbot

Dr Laura Talbot

Joint Programme Director

I jointly lead the AMBIT programme. The AMBIT framework supports teams to improve their capacity to help clients who have multiple needs and who may find professional help hard to trust. AMBIT works with a wide range of teams and services across the health, social care, justice, education and community sectors both nationally and internationally. We disseminate AMBIT via several methods, including training, post-training implementation support, supervision, consultation, evaluation activities and strategic partnerships. I qualified as a Clinical Psychologist in 2010 and have since specialised in working with young people and their families in community outreach services. I worked as a therapist on the Multi-Systemic Therapy START trial in the UK and have also held clinical lead roles in a range of innovative multi-agency projects. This has included working in an edge of care team for adolescents in Children’s Social Care, in a youth-led multi-agency project for young people who are gang affected, and in a local authority multi-agency team to prevent the permanent exclusion of children and young people from mainstream education. I am committed to focusing on how we can apply what we learn from young people, families and frontline workers to the design and adaptation of helping approaches to ensure that they are accessible, inclusive and effective for those who experience multiple forms of marginalisation, oppression and exclusion in our society.

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