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Becoming a FACTS leader/trainer

The Families and Carers Training and Support Programme (FACTS) is a short course designed to teach skills to friends and families of people with ‘Borderline Personality Disorder” (BDP) or Emerging/Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder’ (EUPD) to support them better.

The long-term aim is for FACTS to be available throughout the country for carers. To enable this, the FACTS course materials are freely available to those who meet the criteria, that would like to deliver FACTS in their local area.

There are two pathways to become a provider of FACTS training. One for mental health professionals and one for carers.

Mental health professionals interested in delivering FACTS

If you are a mental health professional and would like to deliver FACTS in your service, please complete this form and email us registering your interest.

If you meet the following criteria within the form, you will be given access to the FACTS materials which are hosted on Blackboard.

  • Mental health professional with knowledge of BPD/EUPD and mentalization.

  • Have or will source a carer with lived experience of supporting someone with BPD/EUPD to co-deliver FACTS with you.

Carers’ input to the training is important as their lived experience gives them a special understanding of a relationship with someone with BPD/EUPD. This allows them to deliver the course content with significant empathy and credibility as they have a unique insight into life with someone with BPD.

Carers who would like to find out more about delivering FACTS

If you are a carer of someone with BPD/EUPD who is interested in setting up FACTS in your local area, you will need to have attended a FACTS training course. To find out when the next FACTS course is taking place, please see this list of providers and contact the provider closest to you.

After completing the course, if you are interested in becoming a FACTS leader, please email the FACTS Steering Group who will guide you through the process, which consists of:

  • Gaining information, guidance and experience by observing, shadowing and co-delivering FACTS training courses.

  • Gain advice on the administrative and practical aspects of setting up and running FACTS.

  • Advising you on how to make contacts within your local mental health service to support you locally and ensure they give you access to a ‘supervising mental health professional’ who will be able to support with, for example, how to deal with any safeguarding issues, or complaints from participants.

Once you are approved as a leader by the steering group, please ask them to email us to inform us you have been approved as a leader. Please also complete this form. We will then give you access to the FACTS training materials which are hosted on Blackboard.