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Young People’s Participation in Research: Strategies for Effective Collaboration

Drawing on Anna Freud’s expertise and the Lundy Community of Practice, the training offers practical tools and rights-based principles for bid writing, project delivery, and dissemination.

About this training

There is a growing international push towards participatory methods within research; for example, several research funders now require patient and public involvement (PPI) to be built into bid proposals. Anna Freud builds participation into our research across the mental health sphere, from one-off consultation to sustained coproduction approaches. This training will draw on both practices within Anna Freud and the latest participatory research, for example within the Lundy Community of Practice (of which Anna Freud is a leading member) to consider how to effectively collaborate with young people in research throughout the project lifecycle.

This training aims to influence and improve research practice by upskilling professionals to enhance their participatory research. The training will cover the basics and principles of research participation from a rights-based perspective, and share practical guidance and tools for effective collaborative research, from bid writing to project dissemination. It will also draw on examples from research around young people’s mental health, but the principles and practices are widely applicable to other disciplines. Attendees will build confidence and competence to apply participatory approaches within their work.

Course tutors

  • Rachael Stemp

  • Sophie Johnson

Aims of this training

  • To develop an understanding of the Lundy model of participation and how it relates to research contexts.

  • To apply different approaches to participation within research contexts.

  • To learn practical approached and tools for embedding participation within research projects.

Who is this training for?

This training is suitable for academic or community researchers and will best suit early career researchers or those less familiar with participatory approaches to research.

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