Reflective Parenting with Teenagers: Mentalizing Adolescents
The training course will help professionals working in adolescent services or in their own practice support parents to learn how to take a more reflective, mentalizing approach to their teenagers.
About this training
There are no perfect behavioural or emotion-management strategies for parenting teenagers which will quickly fix the problems as parents are experiencing them in their relationships. However, this course will show how, by using a set of Reflective Parenting tools, professionals can guide parents to develop both their own self-awareness as parents of teenagers, and also increase their awareness of the thoughts and feelings of their teenagers. This technique brings about a greater connection between parents and their teenagers at a time where adolescents are striving to individuate and develop their own identity. The course will look at theories underpinning adolescent development and difficulties including neuroscience, mentalizing, attachment and developmental.
The training course will help professionals working in adolescent services or in their own practice support parents to learn how to take a more reflective, mentalizing approach to their teenagers. The approach will help parents not only to understand their teenager better, but also to understand their own responses to them and the influence their own lives have on the future of their children.
The training is based on the following text: How Do You Hug a Cactus? Reflective Parenting with Teenagers in Mind. By Redfern, S (2024)
Aims of this training
The training will give participants:
To help professionals to learn about other theories underpinning adolescent development – neuroscience, mentalizing and developmental – to inform an approach to parenting which considers the impact on behaviour and emotions of all these overlapping changes in adolescence.
To help participants understand why parental mentalizing is helpful to parents of teenagers
To teach participants how to run a psycho-education group for parents of adolescents
To teach participants about how brain changes and developmental milestones in adolescents affect emotion regulation and behaviour – and how parents can learn to mentalize these
Who is this training for?
Professionals working with parents and carers who have adolescents or young adults (up to 25 years) who are vulnerable. They might be working in mental health services or in schools with teenagers.
This training will assume a working knowledge of the concept of mentalization. Prior to starting this training, you must complete the self-guided online training “An Introduction to Mentalizing and Mentalization Based Treatments with Children, Young People and Families” (MBT CYP). You will be given access to the MBT CYP training one month before the training start date of your MBT-Parenting: Reflective Parenting training.
MBT CYP is a self-directed online training and consists of a series of short videos, presentations and activities that span six hours and can be worked through at your own pace. Topics covered include what is mentalizing and why it’s important; identifying effective and ineffective mentalizing; how mentalizing develops; its relevance in childhood, adolescence, and family contexts; and will introduce the mentalizing stance which underpins Mentalization Based Treatments. It is essential that you complete this training otherwise you will not have the theoretical knowledge to get the most out of the MBT- Reflective Parenting training you are scheduled to attend. If, for any reason, you require access to the training sooner than one month prior to the training start date, please let us know and we will be able to grant you access.
After completing the online Introduction to MBT CYP training and the MBT-Reflective Parenting training, you will have a sound understanding of mentalizing theory and its practice with parents utilizing the Reflective Parenting model. You’ll have developed a range of skills in establishing an alliance and working collaboratively with parents and will have developed skills in the use of the Reflective Parenting tools; Emotional Thermometer, Professional APP, Parenting App, Two Hands and Parent Map. We hope you will be able to bring this knowledge to your current practice, whatever setting you are working in.
For those who want to fully train in delivering a Reflective Parenting Group and become registered, as an MBT-Reflective Parenting practitioner, ongoing support and consultation is essential and will give practitioners access to the manualised 8-week group approach. This will help you to continue to develop your skills in implementing MBT-Reflective Parenting techniques and support your ability to hold a mentalizing stance in working with parents. If you’d like to be recognised as an MBT-Reflective Parenting Practitioner consultation whilst delivering an 8-10-week Reflective Parenting Group is essential.
Fee for post training consultation to run groups, including 5 consultation sessions and manual and all materials - £1200. Please contact us for more information.
After completing the online Introduction to MBT CYP training and MBT-Reflective Parenting, if you plan on running a parenting group, you will need to sign up for consultation calls (over Zoom) and in return you will receive the manual.
Please be aware that the RP group manual and slides will only be shared once two group facilitators have signed a supervision contract to ensure model adherence whilst facilitating their first RP group. You can contact for further information on supervision fees. The group manual and group slides will not be made available to RP practitioners working with individual parents. We do, however, share a free resource pack covering the psycho-educative RP mentalizing tools for professionals working with individual parents which every delegate will receive following the training.
The model of consultation and pathway to registration as a Reflective Parenting Group practitioner are as follows:
Only trained Reflective Parenting practitioners who run groups can become registered RP practitioners once they have received supervision whilst facilitating their first RP group. There is no registration pathway for RP practitioners working with individual parents.
State your intention to run a group and decide with your line manager who will co-facilitate the group with you (should there not be two trained RP facilitators in your service). It is recommended that you start with a group of parents with children aged 4-13y with mild to moderate behavioural difficulties.
Arrange with one of the RP trainers and/or the Reflective Parenting clinical lead (Theresa Schwaiger) to meet with a RP consultant after signing the supervision contract.
Arrange to have a minimum of 6 meetings (5 consultations, plus one video clip review) with a RP consultant at the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families.
Once you have signed the supervision contract, you will be given access to the manual and all materials, including slides, to help you in running a RP psychoeducation group.
You will need to ask your parents for consent to be filmed for the consultation calls – the minimum requirement is one videotaped group session. Group facilitators, working in pairs, select five clips from this one group session to send to their RP consultant for review before one of the five consultation meetings.
Each group facilitator will complete a Reflective Parenting Wheel after each session where you will self-assess your mentalizing skills in each group – this will inform the consultations.
You will administer a battery of measures pre and post group to the parents to evaluate outcomes from the group. This data will be shared with the RP clinical lead at the Anna Freud Centre to contribute towards gathering an evidence base. The measures will be shared with you by the RP clinical lead prior to you starting a group.
At the end of the group and following 5 consultation sessions, your group consultant will register you as a Reflective Parenting practitioner if you have been sufficiently adherent to the model. This is not only to ensure adherence, but the consultation is to ensure good governance of the Reflective Parenting intervention.
The online platform Zoom will be used to deliver this training. Prior to booking on, please ensure you meet the system requirements so you're able to join this training. Before the training, please test your equipment is working by going to and follow the instructions.
This training can be delivered live online or face-to-face. Dates and times will vary according to format so please carefully check the dates and times for individual courses before booking.
Before signing up for a live online training, be sure to check the system requirements. Please follow this link to view our upcoming trainings.
If you’d like to commission this training for your team or organisation please complete our Commissioner Enquiry Form.
Upon booking, you will be asked to confirm that you have read and accept our terms and conditions and our privacy notice. Please read these documents before booking:
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