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Mentalizing the Body in Research and Clinical Practice: Parental Embodied Mentalizing Assessment (PEMA™)

Parental Embodied Mentalizing Assessment (PEMA™) is an Intensive Clinical Training Program for Professionals Working with Infants and Parents.

About this training

Our 5-day training is tailored for professionals working with parents and infants, aiming to integrate PEMA™ into their clinical practice. The PEMA™ Intensive Training Program offers a comprehensive learning experience where participants delve into identifying parent-infant embodied circles of communication and specific elements of parent-infant interaction. Through a combination of didactic teachings, experiential exercises, and video examples, attendees explore key features of parent-infant nonverbal communication and their profound implications for child development. 

Course tutors

  • Dr Dana Shai

  • Dr Rose Spencer 

Aims of this training

  • To introduce the theory and research behind Parental Embodied Mentalizing (PEM) from its developer, Dr. Dana Shai. 

  • To explore and identify the theory and movement language underlying PEM. 

  • To learn step-by-step processes to identify risk and protective factors in parent-child dyads. 

  • To fulfil prerequisite requirements for Reflective Practice and PEMA™ Certification. 

Who is this training for? 

This training is suitable for professionals working with young children and their families including, but not limited to: 

  • Psychologists 

  • Psychotherapists 

  • Social workers 

  • Marriage and family therapists 

  • Mental health counsellors 

  • Outreach workers 

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