Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT) Training: Perinatal
This six-day course provides introductory training for practitioners working in perinatal specialist services in Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT).
What is perinatal depression?
Perinatal depression is common, with adverse effects identified for the mother, infant and wider social system. The perinatal period is associated with reluctance to use medical treatments and a preference for talking therapy. Lack of perceived support from significant others, particularly a spouse or partner has been identified as significant contextual factor (O’Hara & Swain, 1996), and an interpersonal approach to treatment and prevention of antenatal and postnatal depression, therefore, may be not only judicious, but also critical.
About this training
This course is designed for practitioners working in perinatal specialist services and is the first step to becoming an IPT practitioner. The course reflects the IPT competency framework, and the trainers are accredited with IPTUK, the national organisation overseeing IPT training.
Two of the trainers are perinatal leads working in specialist services and the third has conducted specialist IPT training and research with perinatal practitioners. Standard IPT practitioner training has been adapted to reflect the evidence based for IPT used perinatally, collected over more than 20 years, and the specific challenges of perinatal care.
The course is delivered through a mix of didactic sessions, small and large group work and clinical examples and role play.
Aims of this training
The five day course aims to:
Provide experienced mental health professionals with an introduction to the IPT model and its use within perinatal specialist services.
Cover the knowledge competencies for IPT with depression and an introduction to the skills competencies, which will be developed more fully in supervised clinical casework.
Who is this training for?
This training is open to those working in Perinatal Specialist Services. Places are initially only open to those who have been allocated a funded place by NHSE. Please complete the application process detailed below.
"It was really good training which spelled out well how to go about therapy the IPT way. The supporting worksheets are really useful. It's reassuring to have access to the materials for an extended period." Participant, January 2024
"Excellent theory-practice links and freedom to open up discussion at any point in the presentations." Participant, January 2024
"I really liked Angela Wood’s teaching style. She adapted to the needs of the group and answered questions thoroughly. I also liked the opportunity to practice strategies. The content of the course was also very informative and I liked that teaching was divided into learning about the different phases of IPT. The videos and live case example role plays were particularly useful because it helped to demystify what is actually done in IPT sessions." Participant, March 2024
Please note if you are successful in gaining a place on the training you will be sent pre-training work to be completed which will take approximately 5 hours.
You will be required to attend a live, online introductory session
You will receive access to pre-recorded lectures and video material one week before the course. The course will consist of three live sessions a day (each session will last for approximately 1 - 2 hrs) and self-guided learning. Networking group sessions will also be incorporated.
NHSE Funded places for Perinatal Specialist Services
Step 1: Application Form - Applicants for NHSE funded places should complete this application form. Complete applications should be submitted in one email to
Step 2: Wait for Confirmation - We will inform you via email if your application is approved.
Step 3: Payment - Once your application is approved you will be sent a voucher code allowing you to book your free place.
Non-funded applicants
Priority will be given to applicants with NHSE funded places, but if commissioned places are not all taken up, self-funding applications will be considered.
Step 1: Application Form - Self-funded applicants must fill in this application form. Completed applications should be submitted in one email to
Step 2: Wait for Confirmation - We will inform you via email if your application is approved.
Step 3: Payment - Once your application is approved payment details must be provided. Please pay via the book now button.
This training provides the first stage in working towards becoming an IPTUK Accredited IPT Practitioner. Following attendance on the training those wishing to become IPT practitioners are required to undertake supervision with an IPTUK accredited Supervisor.
NHS Talking Therapies staff must arrange supervision that follows the IPT NHS Talking Therapies protocol and must confirm the supervision arrangement before attending the course. Supervision must be arranged directly with the supervisor and will involve an additional fee. Supervision can be provided face to face or remotely e.g. telephone, Skype. Trainees can be directed to qualified supervisors across the IPTUK network.
Accreditation to practitioner level requires four cases to be supervised, with recorded sessions reviewed. Each case runs for 16 sessions (unless they are CAMHS cases, in which case it is 12 sessions). We suggest leaving a one month gap between starting each case, picking up a new case when the formulation has been agreed on the previous one. Trainees will be required to submit digital recordings of therapy sessions as well as written and verbal reports.
The online platform Zoom will be used to deliver this training. Prior to booking on, please ensure you meet the system requirements so you're able to join this training.
Before the training, please test your equipment is working by going to and follow the instructions.
Upon booking, you will be asked to confirm that you have read and accept our terms and conditions and our privacy notice. Please read these documents before booking:
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