Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy (DIT) 5-day
This training provides psychoanalytically/dynamically trained practitioners with a structure to conduct a time-limited, manualised psychodynamic therapy.
About this training
The 5-day dynamic interpersonal therapy (DIT) training provides psychoanalytically/dynamically trained practitioners with a structure within which to conduce a time limited (16 sessions), manualised psychodynamic therapy.
It is intended as a CPD course to hone the skills of already established psychodynamic practitioners so as to enable them to deliver an effective brief psychodynamic intervention for the treatment of depression.
In order to become a DIT practitioner trainees are required to attend the 5-day training and pass the role play (step one), successfully complete supervision (step two) and pass a case study (step three).
£4,650 per person for training, supervision, case study and rating of tapes with the following breakdown:
£1,500 for 5-day training (including the role play)
£2400 for 16 hours of supervision (two cases) at £150 per hour
£600 for four tape assessments at £150 per hour
£150 for case study
The tutors for this course are Christina Fitzgerald and Alessandra Lemma.
Applications for 2025 are now open. Please submit your supporting evidence to DIT@annafreud.org before our application deadline on Friday 31 January 2025. Please see the section below for details on how to apply.
Aims of this training
This workshop provides a basic introduction sufficient to enable participants to begin practicing this manualized treatment with supervision. The course includes presentation of theories and techniques, observation of live role-plays, discussion and formulation of specific cases.
Who is this training for?
DIT is designed to be implemented by therapists with an interest in and experience of psychoanalytic/dynamic psychotherapy. Anyone who meets the full requirements can attend otherwise they cannot proceed on to the clinical part of the training programme.
The pre-entry requirements in detail:
Evidence of a course of study (this could be through different courses over time) that has exposed you to the fundamentals of psychoanalytic theory as specified in the Psychodynamic Competences framework
A minimum of 150 hours of supervised psychodynamic work (reference required)
At least one year of weekly personal psychodynamic psychotherapy or counselling
At least two years’ employment in an NHS, private capacity or voluntary institution working in a therapeutic capacity with adults with mental health problems
HPC, BPC, BPS, UKCP or BACP registration (or an equivalent professional registration at the discretion of the course tutors*)
*We can accept applicants who are based abroad as long as they meet the pre-entry requirements. Although we can accept applicants registered with an equivalent non-UK professional body, those trainees without a valid UK registration will not be able to obtain the BPC registration. They will, however, be able to practise DIT in their country on successful completion of training and supervision.
You will be required to provide evidence of the pre-entry requirements.
If you meet these criteria and would like to secure a place on the course, please make a booking via the link at the bottom of this page. You will then be required to fill in the application form which you need to send back, along with evidence of each point outlined above and on the form.
Only those who:
possess a diploma level or equivalent training in psychoanalytic psychotherapy or counselling
pass the role play exercise at the end of the course
can then go on to supervised clinical practice (two cases for 16 sessions each – all session taped) to become practitioners in DIT. Please note that cost of the supervision is not included in the price of the training.
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"I liked the personal clinical examples of the trainers and the depth of knowledge the trainers have. I also like the big group discussions." Participant, March 2022
"It was really interesting, informative, a good mix of exercises and good time for practising skills - really enjoyed it, thank you." Participant, March 2023
"I enjoyed the emphasis on the application of psychodynamic (specifically attachment) theory to relationally oriented practice, delivered with good balance between information, teaching, and experiential work. Peter Fonagy's address on mentalisation was particularly inspiring and helpful." Participant, April 2024
We encourage applications from those employed for NHS Talking Therapies services. We have a limited number of places fully-funded by Health Education England (HEE) for NHS Talking Therapies services. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us on DIT@annafreud.org.
Applicants from NHS Talking Therapies services may qualify for a fully funded place on this training. Please contact your service lead or DIT@annafreud.org to find out whether your service has been allocated a funded place by HEE.
For those who wish to progress to the next stage, it is necessary to obtain a ‘Certificate of Competence’. This is a requirement for taking on supervised cases to reach practitioner level. It will involve a taped role play with an actor which is then assessed. If this is passed, then delegates can proceed to taking on supervised cases.
During this role-play students will have to evidence:
An aptitude for identifying relational and effective themes from the patient’s material: the aim is to ensure that the student can pick up on themes but there is no requirement to evidence a capacity to formulate.
A capacity to articulate and share with the patient these relational and effective themes in a clear and coherent manner so as to test their relevance to understanding the patient’s current predicament.
Demonstrate the DIT therapeutic stance.
Upon the successful completion of the clinical casework the trainee will need to submit a 3000 word case study, which should evidence a capacity to integrate theory and practice through giving an account of work with one of the two training cases. Trainees are expected to submit their case study within three months of completing their last case.
Once the trainee has passed the case study, there is a CPD requirement to have one hour of DIT supervision for every 12 hours of DIT therapy work for the first year of work as a DIT practitioner. This equates to an hour of supervision a month if you have a caseload of three DIT patients. This supervision does not count towards accreditation as a supervisor. However, it is helpful to consolidate one's understanding of and work within the model by gaining more experience before going on to becoming a supervisor.
Beyond the first year, we advise using peer supervision of DIT work. To maintain DIT practitioner status, there is a requirement to see at least one patient a year.
The supervised practice component will involve seeing two patients under weekly supervision. Each patient will be seen for 16 sessions of weekly DIT. This is typically structured as half an hour supervision per patient over 16 sessions.
In addition, four additional tape recordings will need to be submitted for rating. All therapy sessions will be audio or videotaped. In the first case, three tapes will be randomly selected and rated according to the DIT rating scale. For the second case, assuming that a student is progressing well in the training, one tape will be selected for rating. Where there are concerns about the student's progress an additional two tapes may be requested and rated.
At the end of the supervision period, trainees will be able to see DIT patients with weekly supervision until they are registered DIT practitioners.
It is advised that trainees start supervision soon after passing their role plays. The deadline for starting supervision is one year after the training. After one year, trainees would need to complete the DIT Refresher training if they wish to go into the supervised practice.
Supervision should not take more than 18 months to complete. We strongly recommend that supervision is completed within two years of completing the 5-day training. If supervision is not successfully completed within three years, without attendance at the DIT Refresher training the trainee will be required to repeat the training. Once the refresher course has been attended further supervision time is provided for completion of the training.
For any enquiries relating to the second stage of the training, please email DIT@annafreud.org.
This training is accredited by the British Psychoanalytic Council (BPC) and those who complete the training successfully will be able to join the BPC Roster of ‘kite marked’ practitioners. Please note that there will be an annual cost of £50 to appear on the Roster, or £25 per year for those already a BPC Registrant, to be paid directly to the BPC.
Please read the complete process for becoming an accredited DIT practitioner here.
After completing the DIT course, there is a timeframe of one year in which to begin training cases under supervision. Most trainees will begin seeing training patients within six months from attendance at the DIT training course. Where a period of more than one year has lapsed since attending a DIT training course, the trainee is required to attend a refresher training course before commencing clinical work.
If more than three years has lapsed since attending a DIT training course, a full training course will need to be repeated before clinical work can commence. In special circumstances clarification may be requested from Anna Freud (DIT@annafreud.org). Such queries will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.
The online platform Zoom will be used to deliver online training. Prior to booking, please ensure you meet the system requirements so you can join this training session. To test your equipment visit Zoom.us/test and follow the instructions.
Upon booking, you will be asked to confirm that you have read and accept our terms and conditions and our privacy notice. Please read these documents before booking:
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