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Neurodiversity Week: Autism in DIT

One-day training for DIT practitioners on neuro-affirming autism approaches, therapy adaptations, client engagement, and fostering resilience.

About this training

The day long training in clinical application of DIT in therapeutic work with autistic clients will offer DIT practitioners an opportunity to learn and reflect on current thinking about autism, challenges experienced in engaging autistic clients and therapy adaptations to the therapeutic stance and techniques for autistic clients.

During the morning sessions, participants will learn about neuro-affirming approach to autism and contemporary ideas in conceptualising autism. The content will include material produced by experts in Autism at Anna Freud. In the afternoon sessions, participants will be invited to reflect collectively on the challenges they experience in their attempts to engage autistic clients. This will be followed by a presentation of some suggestions for conducting DIT suitability assessment and for adaptations to the therapeutic stance and technique.

Participants will be invited to think about autistic IPAFs and attachment style; the challenges of creating the “we” mode, epistemic injustice and epistemic mistrust in engagement of autist folk; the adjustment to the technique for increasing autistic clients’ engagement and mentalisation of their relational patterns and their autistic needs to increase psychological resilience, reduce avoidance, autistic burnout and increased joy in relating with the world and others.

Aims of this training

  • To learn about contemporary conceptualizations of autism.

  • To reflect on challenges experienced in offering DIT to autistic clients and clients who self-identify.

  • To consider assessing DIT suitability and adaptations to the therapeutic stance and technique.

  • To reflect on our professional counter-transference to autistic clients and to the paradigm shift in conceptualising autism.

Who is this training for?

DIT practitioners and trainees.

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