Measure pupil wellbeing
Login or register to use the free action planning toolOn this page you can find information about:
how and why to measure pupil wellbeing
how to measure the wellbeing of groups of pupils using cohort surveys.
Understanding the wellbeing and mental health needs of your pupils is at the heart of a whole school or college approach to mental health and wellbeing.
Gathering data from children and young people enables you to understand their needs, identify interventions, allocate resources and measure how responses change over time. By measuring pupil wellbeing, this will help you to understand whether the investment you’re making in your pupils’ mental health is led by the needs of your pupils.
It is good practice to identify where your interventions and approaches are making a difference, so that you can regularly review and develop next steps. Using measurement tools can give you useful and informative data for your school or college community and can help you to understand the following:
the strengths of your pupils
the needs of your pupils
how to identify the most suitable interventions to address these needs
how to allocate resources to meet their needs
measuring how their needs change over time.
How do we measure pupil wellbeing?
Using researched or well-established questionnaires which have an evidence base which is valid and reliable ensures robust measurement. These questionnaires are widely used in research and mental health settings to measure many areas of mental wellbeing including:
peer relationships
protective factors
emotional and social skills
life satisfaction
feelings towards school or college.
A range of questionnaires are available which are suitable for different purposes, and groups of young people. These can be found on the CORC website. These questionnaires can be used for the following:
as part of a survey of a group or cohort of children or young people (see below)
to help identify children and/or young people who may benefit from additional support
to evaluate the impact of support and intervention.
Measuring and monitoring children and young people’s mental wellbeing: A toolkit for schools and colleges, which was developed by Anna Freud with the support of Public Health England, provides expert guidance to support the use of questionnaires.
Measuring the mental wellbeing of groups of pupils using cohort surveys
You can use the questionnaires from CORC as part of a survey. A combination of questionnaires can help you assess wellbeing and behavioural or emotional difficulties, as well as the presence and strength of protective factors such as support at school, home and in the community.
They can also measure the child or young person’s ability to deal with stress and manage emotions. There’s lots to consider when planning to survey a cohort of children or young people. Using ‘tried and tested’ resources can be very supportive and beneficial.
The Wellbeing Measurement Frameworks provide sets of questions, selected for different age groups. They were developed by Evidence Based Practice Unit, CORC, The University of Manchester and Common Room and are free to download.
Our resource Using measurement tools to understand pupils’ mental health needs: a guide for schools and colleges provides more detailed guidance on implementing cohort surveys.
If you’d like support with your cohort survey, Wellbeing Measurement for Schools provides an online survey, along with support covering consent, and data transfer, and analysis of your results. It also details a summary report including comparisons with other schools. There is a charge for this service to cover costs.
Measuring and monitoring children and young people’s mental wellbeing
The toolkit aims to raise awareness amongst school and college staff of the range of validated tools that are available to help measure subjective mental wellbeing amongst cohorts of stu...
Wellbeing measurement framework for schools
A suite of measurement booklets for primary school, secondary school and college students.
Anna Freud Centre and CORC: Using measurement tools to understand need
This short guide for schools and colleges focuses on how to use measurement tools to understand pupils’ wellbeing so that you can provide them with the support they need.
Anna Freud Centre and CORC: Measuring mental wellbeing e-learning
This free e-learning package aims to increase the awareness, understanding and confidence of non-specialist and school staff who support the wellbeing and mental health of children or young people to access the benefits associated with measuring mental wellbeing.
Measuring pupil wellbeing
Nick Tait from CORC discusses the process of carrying out a pupil wellbeing survey.
Measuring and monitoring children
Lee Atkins gives a more detailed presentation about measuring and monitoring wellbeing, using the wellbeing toolkit.