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#BeeWell was co-founded by The University of Manchester, The Gregson Family Foundation and Anna Freud. Central to the programme is a survey, created collaboratively with 350 young people from 30 schools and a team of mental health and wellbeing experts.

#BeeWell was co-founded by The University of Manchester, The Gregson Family Foundation and Anna Freud in 2019, and developed in partnership with the Greater Manchester Combined Authority. In 2023 #BeeWell expanded into Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Portsmouth, and Southampton.

Central to the programme is a survey, created collaboratively with 350 young people from 30 schools and a team of mental health and wellbeing experts. The young participants played a crucial role in designing the survey to ensure it reflected what truly mattered to them.

The #BeeWell findings are then shared with schools and coalition partners in order to understand priorities and respond accordingly, with our CORC team meeting with school representatives and young people to discuss the findings in detail.

Project lead: Jessica Deighton (Anna Freud Lead)

Collaborators: University of Manchester (Project Lead), Gregson Family Foundation

Duration: 2021 - ongoing

Project partners: Greater Manchester Combined Authority, Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Portsmouth and Southampton Councils

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