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What does the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families do? Watch and share our new animation video!

undefinedTo explain our work in an engaging way that can be enjoyed and understood by everyone we work with, we have developed an animation video. 

The Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families' vision is a world in which children and their families are effectively supported to build on their own strengths to achieve their goals in life.

But the ways we work towards this goal are varied and expanding, from teaching, training and research to providing mental health support in schools, the community and online.

And it can be hard to explain all of this to our ever-expanding list of audiences. These are children, young people, parents, students, doctors, psychologists, academics commissioners, policy makers…. to name a few!

So we decided to commission Mummu to produce an animation that illustrates our work in an engaging way and that can be enjoyed and understood by everyone we work with.

Please watch and share:  

We hope you like it! And if you have any comments tweet us @afcevents