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Updated THRIVE framework highlights its relevance to multi-agency working

The latest edition of the THRIVE conceptual framework, titled THRIVE Elaborated: Second Edition is published today.

Since its first release in 2014, thinking around the framework has developed, retaining the founding commitment to help inform service provision for child mental health, figured through a radical shift in the way that services are conceptualised and potentially delivered to level national debate on the future of CAMHS.

THRIVE Elaborated (2015) followed, further detailing the key points of THRIVE, which this second edition iteration builds upon to highlight how THRIVE is a multiagency initiative.

undefinedTHRIVE is the result of a collaboration of authors from Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families and The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust. Need is measured under categories of: Thriving, Getting Advice, Getting Help, Getting More Help and Getting Risk Support.

Lead author of the model, Professor Miranda Wolpert, said: “The most common question we as authors get about THRIVE is: ‘THRIVE reads as being very health focused, even though it professes to be a multi-agency framework. Can you clarify in what sense this is a genuinely multi-agency framework?’ In this second edition of THRIVE Elaborated, we have been joined by education and social care colleagues to explain how the framework endorses and supports multi-agency working in young people’s mental health.”

THRIVE Elaborated: Second Edition includes an updated Foreword which addresses the critiques and possibilities of THRIVE, exploring how, in spite of the evident focus on mental health interventions for young people in health care settings, THRIVE holds rich potential when considered as a multiagency framework, across health, education, social care and community settings.

For this edition of THRIVE, the original author group have been joined by colleagues from social care and education settings.The Foreword outlines the authorial team’s ideas around 5 ways in which THRIVE considers and emphasises a multi-agency approach to managing mental health in children and young people, namely:

  1. THRIVE seeks to bridge the gap between treatment interventions and mental health promoting practices.
  2. THRIVE aims to clarify and promote multi-agency responsibilities for the promotion of good mental health.
  3. THRIVE hopes to highlight the impact of social and economic factors on mental health.
  4. THRIVE emphasises the importance of community resilience.
  5. THRIVE promotes personalised care and treatment planning that is sensitive to engagement and maximises empowerment.

The THRIVE framework is being implemented via i-THRIVE. i-THRIVE is national programme of innovation and improvement in child and adolescent mental health. It is a National Health Service Innovation Accelerator and is currently being implemented in more than 40 Community of Practice sites across the country including organisations that are using the THRIVE framework as the basis of their CAMHS transformation and local level service redesign. If you would like further information about i-THRIVE please email or

THRIVE Elaborated: Second Edition is freely available from: Follow @AFNCCF for updates on the framework.