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Making children and young people's mental health a priority in the election

We respond to the news that a General Election will take place on 4 July 2024.


In response to the news that the General Election will take place on 4 July 2024, a spokesperson from Anna Freud said:

“Now is the time for all political parties to think differently. Put simply, they must make the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people a priority, and share exactly how they plan to do this. Throughout this election campaign and beyond, we want to see the next generation’s voices placed at the heart of policies, along with the latest science and evidence.

“One in five young people in England has a probable mental health disorder and demand for specialist services is rising, outstripping capacity1. We believe this gap can be closed through a renewed focus on prevention and early intervention as we highlight in our Thinking differently manifesto. From doubling the budget currently spent on prevention strategies to a cross-government taskforce that scrutinises the potential impact of policy on mental health with children and young people, there are many steps that could make real change."


¹ Newlove-Delgado T, Marcheselli F, Williams T, Mandalia D, Dennes M, McManus S, Savic M, Treloar W, Croft K, Ford T. (2023) Mental Health of Children and Young People in England, 2023. NHS England, Leeds.

About Anna Freud

Anna Freud is a mental health charity and we’ve been supporting children and young people for over 70 years. We listen to and learn from their diverse voices, and integrate this with learnings from our science and practice to develop and deliver mental health care. This holistic approach has world-changing potential – our training, schools support, networks, partnerships and resources equip those who impact children and young people’s lives with the knowledge and skills to support their mental health.

Read our Thinking Differently manifesto to find out more about how to close the gap in children and young people’s mental health.