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Getting our heads together for father's day

This Father’s Day we are celebrating the role of fathers and father figures in our lives have in supporting our emotional wellbeing.

A father and son who have had therapy at the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families met The Duke of Cambridge and other dads, mentors and children at a Heads Together Father’s Day breakfast.

Brian and Dante Matthews spoke to the Duke about how the Heads Together campaign, which he is spearheading with the Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry, wants to help dads and father figures have the confidence to talk to children and each other about their feelings.

Brian said: "The Duke was very down to earth. We were just talking like normal people but my heart was racing! He asked about my relationship with my son and how we are together.”

Brian and his son have had a therapy called video interaction guidance (VIG) at the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families. The aim of the therapy was to increase attuned interactions between parents and their children.

Brian said: “Being a lone dad is complicated rather than difficult. The therapy made me more aware of how we interact with each other. When we have a conversation we take it in turns to air our opinions and we’re really close.”

At the breakfast in London, Brian and Dante also took part in a Heads Together Father’s Day Challenge. The campaign is encouraging people to take the Challenge and #celebratewithconversation. Download the challenge and find out more at

Dante said: "My favourite bit of the breakfast was getting to meet the Duke. He was a nice person and kind and very thoughtful. We did a quiz and I was asked what three words describe my dad. I said loving, caring and generous."