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Evidence Based Practice Unit celebrates it’s 10th anniversary!

On Thursday, 16th June we hosted a dissemination event to mark the 10th anniversary of the EBPU.

Founded as a joint initiative between UCL and the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families in 2006, EBPU bridges the worlds of academic research and mental health practice. The unit contributes to research and develops practical tools, training and information for children, families and professionals.

Over 120 guests joined us to mark the occasion and the day featured 13 talks across the four priority research themes of the Unit; risk, resilience, change and choice.

The day ended with some celebratory drinks to mark not only the Unit’s 10 year anniversary, but also the recent announcement from UCL that Miranda Wolpert (Director of EBPU) has been appointed Professor of Evidence Based Research & Practice.

Dr Jessica Deighton (Deputy Director) and Professor Miranda Wolpert (Director) said:

“EBPU focusses on ensuring help, training and resources in child mental health are informed by research, tested in the field, and tailored to young people’s needs. We noted that over the last decade we have grown from .5 of a person to over 50 working on over 60 projects. This was a great opportunity to share our learning and hear of latest initiatives. 

We were delighted to be joined by so many colleagues old and new. Presentations included those from our first (prize winning) PhD student- Dr Praveetha Patalay- now a lecturer at the University of Liverpool; from Professor Panos Vostanis of Leicester University a key collaborator who we is now working on his important World Awareness of Children in Trauma work and Professor Neil Humphrey of Manchester University with whom  (together with LSE, Common Room and CORC) we are forming the Education for Wellbeing initiative which will oversee the seven year HeadStart learning programme we are just about to embark plenty to  keep us busy for the next 10 years!” 

To find out more about the work of the EBPU, please visit: