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Antonia Cowdry appointed to the board of trustees at Anna Freud

A leading Human Resources Director from the financial sector has been appointed to the board of trustees for the mental health charity, Anna Freud.

Antonia Cowdry brings substantial experience of the corporate world having held the position of HR Director for Barclays UK since 2020. 

Prior to her current role she spent 21 years at Deutsche Bank, where her roles included Head of HR for Asia Pacific and the Global Head of HR for the Corporate and Investment Bank. 

Anna Freud’s focus is on building the mental wellbeing of the next generation. The charity’s vision is for a world where all children and young people are able to achieve their full potential. A world in which children and young people and their families get support that is designed with their input, available at the right time and meets their needs, so they can develop their emotional and mental health. Ms Cowdry is passionate about helping organisations to improve their performance whilst making them enjoyable places to work. She will bring significant corporate experience to the board of trustees and will be able to draw on her management consulting and internal communications background to lead and embed sustainable change in dynamic environments. Ms Cowdry lives in London with her husband and two sons.

New Anna Freud trustee, Antonia Cowdry said:

“I’m delighted to be joining Anna Freud. I see a powerful combination of science and compassion along with reach and ambition to help even more young people. I’m really looking forward to learning and contributing to the great work of Anna Freud.”

Michael Samuel MBE, Chair of Trustees for Anna Freud said:

“I’d like to welcome Antonia Cowdry to Anna Freud’s board of trustees, where I know she will make a significant impact in helping the charity to close the gap in scientific research, knowledge and clinical implementation to improve the lives of children and young people.

“By being able to attract trustees from the corporate sector we’re able to increase the reach of our mission to build the mental health and wellbeing of the next generation.” 

Anna Freud is a charity working to close the gap in wellbeing and mental health by advancing, translating, delivering and sharing the best science and practice with everyone who impacts the lives of children and families.