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"A universal wellbeing measurement could have a generational impact"

Anna Freud has today (12 September 2024) endorsed the Charting a Happier Course report from Pro Bono Economics.


This report calls on the government to undertake a universal wellbeing measurement for children, something we cite in our Thinking differently manifesto as an essential tool to better understand mental health and wellbeing.

Reflecting on the importance of introducing such a measure, and looking at the details needed to make it work most effectively, Anna Freud CEO, Professor Eamon McCrory said:

“Anna Freud is a globally-recognised mental health charity and our goal is to innovate and advance understanding and practice to transform the mental wellbeing of the next generation. A universal wellbeing measurement for children – something we call for in our Thinking differently manifesto – would be a vital piece of this jigsaw. Better understanding of wellbeing would improve local and national decision-making and ensure more effective targeting of resources to tackle the inequity of mental health support.

“Existing effective local wellbeing measurements - such as #BeeWell, delivered as a partnership including Anna Freud – show the difference that greater understanding can make. We have learnt that meaningful input by young people into the design and delivery of surveys, as well as plans to respond to the data, are essential to achieve real impact. We would see this as a necessary component of any national measurement approach.

“Understanding the health and wellbeing needs of students is also an integral part of our whole school approach to mental health. For any survey to be administered within schools, we would need to see improved support and training for teachers, alongside guidance to interpret and act on the data collected.

“With young people, education staff, and local and national leaders working in partnership, a universal wellbeing measurement could have a generational impact on closing the gap in mental health support for children and young people.”

Read our strategy to learn how we’re closing the gap in science, implementation and knowledge.

Download our Thinking differently manifesto to find out why we believe policymakers, MPs and funders should prioritise prevention and early intervention to better support children and young people.

About Anna Freud

Anna Freud is a mental health charity and we’ve been supporting children and young people for over 70 years. We listen to and learn from their diverse voices, and integrate this with learnings from our science and practice to develop and deliver mental health care. This holistic approach has world-changing potential – our training, schools support, networks, partnerships and resources equip those who impact children and young people’s lives with the knowledge and skills to support their mental health.