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5 Steps webinar: supporting staff wellbeing January 7

This year has been a year like no other for school and FE college staff. In a profession which already has been identified as having one of the highest levels of stress of any, even before Covid, there is an urgent need to care for our staff.

The Anna Freud Centre has always believed that staff wellbeing is at the heart of developing a whole-school and college approach to mental health and wellbeing. In this webinar, the third in our 5 Steps series, we look at how we can work together to support staff better.

This free webinar which takes place on January 7 from16.30-18.00hrs, is chaired by our Chief Executive Professor Peter Fonagy. Our key note speaker, Education Support's CEO Sinéad McBrearty, will be talking about school staff wellbeing based on research conducted by Education Support. 

The Anna Freud Centre's Lesley French will be speaking about how using a simple therapeutic techniques can help support school and college staff. We will also be hearing from Connie Brandt, a member of the SLT at Peterhouse School in Southport, about the benefits of carrying out staff surveys to understand need and develop support.

The webinar is aimed at school and FE college leaders, teachers, school and college staff and mental health workers in schools, educational psychologists, and any allied professionals interested in supporting mental health in schools and colleges.