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20,000 Schools Invited to Start #TalkingMentalHealth

We know that schools are on the frontline when it comes to children’s mental health. School leaders and teaching staff work hard each day to support the mental health and wellbeing of their pupils and we are determined to help them in every way we can.

After months of development and preparation we are delighted to begin the first phase of our greatly anticipated, You’re Never Too Young to Talk Mental Health campaign. Last week over 20,000 schools across England received an invitation to get involved.

The campaign will be rolled out in September and will provide all primary schools with free ‘Talking Mental Health’ animations and an accompanying teacher resource pack which includes assembly plans, lesson plans and cross-curricular activities.

These materials support teachers to give children the language they need to talk about mental health, the skills they need to be a good listener, and will help them to understand what to do if they’re worried about a friend.

Our child mental health experts have also developed a booklet: ‘Supporting mental health and wellbeing in schools’ and a series of films which offer practical guidance about what school staff can do in the classroom to support mental health.

All of these materials will be free to access online in September through our Schools in Mind network.

There will also be local workshops for everyone involved in supporting good mental health in a schools setting.

The dates of these workshops are;

  • 19th September – London
  • 25th September – Birmingham
  • 2nd October – Manchester
  • 5th October – Newcastle upon Tyne

We understand the importance of supporting our schools so they can support the mental health and wellbeing of our children. We encourage you to make sure that your local school are signed up to start #TalkingMentalHealth.