IntegratED – Cohesion
We are conducting an evaluation of a new programme being piloted supporting pupils at risk of exclusion.
The project is an evaluation of a new programme being piloted. The Programme aims to ensure that:
Pupils who are at risk of exclusion and their families receive rapid and impactful support to be happy and successful in their mainstream school.
Alternative provision settings and mainstream schools have a shared understanding of the evidence-based approaches that are most likely to support pupils at risk of exclusion.
The Programme aims to support pupils in school years 7-8 (aged 11-13 years).
We are interested in capturing learning from the pilot of the Programme. This will contribute to the ongoing development of support that improves the success and wellbeing for pupils at risk of exclusion.
Project leads: Brendha McHugh and Neil Dawson for delivery of the Programme; Jenna Jacob for the evaluation
Funder: Porticus
Duration: 18 months