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Tackling Child Poverty

In the spirit of community organising, Anna Freud have built relations locally with other organisations and charities groups in London and Manchester seeking to address child poverty.


Anna Freud is particularly interested in this issue from the perspective of children's mental health and wellbeing and the impact on families living on low income.

Anna Freud have teamed up with organisations like Euston and Hackney Foodbanks (London) as well as Wood Street Mission (Manchester and Salford) to arrange biannual collections of food, toys, vouchers, books and other essential household items to support the good work of these organisations.

Anna Freud will continue to take a unified approach to tacking child poverty and attempting to make a difference in our local neighbourhoods.

If you represent an organisation doing similar work in this area and would like to support Anna Freud, please get in touch by emailing Emma McFarlane, Nafisa Wagley or Kim Burrell.