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Beyond Programme evaluation

We are providing an evaluation for the Beyond Programme, a transformation programme in Cheshire and Merseyside. It aims to improve care for children and young people that supports their physical and mental health.

Beyond is a transformation programme in Cheshire and Merseyside. It aims to improve care for children and young people that supports their physical and mental health. It is a multi-agency programme with several layers of oversight, delivery and policy.

It is underpinned by several policies (e.g., the NHS Long Term Plan, National Healthcare Inequalities Improvement Programme, Starting Well). It aims to reduce inequalities and give children and young people the best possible start in life by focusing on priority areas.

The overall aim of our evaluation is to identify what is working well and any elements for improvement in the design and delivery of the Beyond Programme.

Project lead: Jenna Jacob

Funder: Alder Hey Children’s Hospital

Duration: November 2023 – July 2024

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