Mindfulness booking page
You have been allocated to Mindfulness intervention.
This Mindfulness intervention was co-developed by Dr. Rina Bajaj in consultation with Professor Miranda Wolpert and Professor Willem Kuyken. It is based on the concept of mindfulness as defined by Professor Jon Kabat-Zinn: “paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally”.
The Mindfulness intervention consists of mindful breathing exercises and other activities focused on self-awareness of sensations, emotions and thoughts. The exercises are divided into three types:
(1) focusing on the mind
(2) focusing on the body
(3) focusing on the world.
Six staff members can attend the training events for this. They do not have to attend the same one. The training is face to face in five locations across England.
This training is free and available to those school part of the Education for Wellbeing trial only.
The training is about 3 hours long with one tea/coffee break provided halfway through, lunch is not provided. You will be sent further information about the logistics once you have booked.
Please contact wave3inspire@annafreud.org for further info.
Book your place
Please select the booking link with the best location and timings for you. Each staff member will need to book separately.
Online - Delivered live by trainers via Zoom - Friday 9