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Anna Freud National Centre to present 'getting risk support' workshop at shared learning event

On Monday 14 November our Chief Executive, Professor Peter Fonagy, Dr Peter Fuggle, Director of Clinical Services, and Professor Miranda Wolpert, Director of Innovation, Evaluation and Dissemination and Director of the Evidence Based Practice Unit (EBPU), will be presenting at the i-THRIVE programme's next Community of Practice shared learning event . The event, which will take place in Manchester, will focus on the delivery of care for children and young people in the ‘Getting Risk Support’ needs based group.

i-THRIVE is national programme of innovation and improvement in child and adolescent mental health. It is a National Health Service Innovation Accelerator and is currently being implemented in more than 40 sites across the country of which Greater Manchester and Salford is one. These sites make up the i-THRIVE Community of Practice which includes organisations that are using the THRIVE framework as the basis of their CAMHS transformation and improvement programmes who then share learning about the implementation of THRIVE and how it can be adopted to fit with their local plans for service redesign.

A key aspect of the day is considering risk support. This is arguably one of the most challenging aspects of the THRIVE framework. This forthcoming event will bring together over 90 i-THRIVE community members and will be a great opportunity for practice sites to learn about how they might approach delivering risk support locally. The day of discussion and workshops will be opened by Paul Jenkins, Chief of the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust which delivers the i-THRIVE programme in partnership with Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families, UCLPartners and the Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice.